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Temat: Sunday News by coffee 24Oct.

Sunday is here, which means its time for...
"Sunday News by coffee" (I am just having a latte macchiato mmm...)

Today I would like to reflect on a very important (if not the most)
skill in business - presenting, talking, coming across or generally
language :)


As a big Apple fan and user I tend to follow their latest product launches,
press conferences and marketing communication in general.
Their last event was called "Back to the Mac" and was held in their HQheadquarters
in Cupertino, California.
What usually happens on those events is that Steve Jobs (the CEO- Chief Executive Officer)
comes out on stage wearing a black long-sleve top and blue jeans
to "show us some cool, fun, amazing things
which their usually aren't but for the Apple insiders its another few products to put on their shopping lists.

Here is CNN showing how Steve used many explicit words during the last product launch
where the newest Apple MacBook Air (thinest laptop) was announced

Now what is there to be learned in Steve's business communication?
1. Well, first of all stats, quarterly earning reports and product launches don't have to be boring!
The way Steve presents may sound like a lot of hype to many of you
but unquestionably Apple seems to be doing a tremendous marketing success
and has been named the "Marketer of the decade" by a renowned magazine AdWeek
mainly because of inventing the iPod, iPhone and iPad which all transformed their industry sectors.

2. Marketing is about storytelling - notice how each product of Apple is carefully named, advertised with some kind of storyline, with hip music track - those things might seem trivial but have been key to Apple's marketing success of its last decade.

3. When presenting, instead of clutter:


aim more for simplicity:


As my coffee just got cold I will let you decide which road to take, I am sticking with the "Apple."

Have a great Sunday!
Oh and if you are from Kraków or the area please let me know
if you would like to have coffee in 2 weeks on a Sunday live!

Krzysztof Dargiewicz
Angielski w Biznesie



1. tend do - mieć skłonność/tendencję do czegoś
2. product lanuch
3. press conference - konferencja prasowa
4. marketing communication - przekaz/komunikacja marketingowa
5. headquarters- siedziba firmy/organizacji
6. Chief Executive Officer- dyrektor zarządzający
7. insider-wtajemniczony
8. announce-oświadczyć, przedstawić
9. stats - statistics- statystyki
10. quarterly earnings report - kwartalny raport fiskalny/finansowy
11. hype - szum, zamieszanie
12. unquestionably-niezaprzeczalnie
13. tremendous-ogromny, znaczący
14. renowned-znany, renomowany[/b]
15. invent - wynaleźć
16. hip - na czasie
17. clutter-nieład, zamieszanie
18. simplicity - prostotaKrzysztof Dargiewicz edytował(a) ten post dnia 24.10.10 o godzinie 13:34