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Temat: WHISTLEBLOWER NEWS. Jan. 30 2014 – 04

ABC News: Threats to Sochi Olympics Whistleblower – 'You Will Be Drowned in Blood!'
Summary: A Russian businessman went public in 2010 with his allegations that officials of the Vladimir Putin administration “demanded payoffs in exchange for Olympic construction contracts.” Now, he says that he is a “marked man” and a contract has been put out on his life. Rivals of Putin have alleged that up to $30 billion has been embezzled from contracts.

Pound Ridge Daily Voice: Pound Ridge Writer Interviews Whistleblower on Waterboarding
Summary: A brief interview with CIA/torture whistleblower and GAP client John Kiriakou, who is currently serving time in prison because of his whistleblowing. Earlier this month, Kiriakou called for supporters to send messages to prison officials and urge them to grant him a nine-month halfway house stay to finish his sentence. That decision is expected soon.

Truthout: Hawaii's GMO War Headed to Honolulu and Federal Court
Summary: Hawaii appears to be ground zero in the fight to regulate genetically engineered crops and the pesticides sprayed on them. This article details the recent legislation passed on the local levels in Kauai County and the island of Hawaii, both of which are now facing legislative or legal attempts to block their implementation. GAP's Food Integrity Campaign has been following the activity, and submitted information requests in December to unveil potential industry influence over political decisions regarding Kauai's pesticide disclosure law.

Undercover Video Unveils Humane Slaughter Violations at New Jersey Veal Plant
Summary: GAP's Food Integrity Campaign discusses the recent release of undercover video that exposed inhumane handling of calves at a New Jersey slaughter plant, pointing out the significant role that such video plays in unveiling whistleblower concerns. This episode is a concrete example of how problematic Ag Gag laws in other states prevent food system accountability.

Deutsche Welle: Drake – There was No Protection Against Reprisal
Summary: An interview with GAP client and NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake, who was charged with Espionage after sharing unclassified information with a journalist to expose gross wrongdoing at the agency.
FireDogLake: State Dept Whistleblower Email Hacked and Laptops Stolen from Lawyer's Office
Summary: This blog post from former GAP client and State Department whistleblower Peter Van Buren relays that another State Department whistleblower’s laptop “was hacked, and four years worth of messages — some detailing alleged wrongdoing at the agency — were deleted.” Van Buren also raises some previous “coincidences” over past thefts of property involving the whistleblower’s attorneys and their other clients.

WTVM: Former Deutsche Bank Employee Speaker for Whistleblower Tour at AU
Summary: Last night, Deutsche Bank whistleblower Eric Ben-Artzi spoke to more than 400 students at Auburn University, detailing his story of exposing $12 billion in securities violations at the world’s largest bank.
Key Quote: "Whistleblowers are the first line of defense against wrong doing and there are people who need to be supported for their courage and willingness to be ethical in the workplace. These are the people we want in our organizations," explained Dana Gold, Senior GAP fellow and Director of the Whistleblower Tour.
"Ordinary people are responsible for speaking up because the people with power usually won't, so this is for yourself, your kids, your fellow citizens," says Ben-Artzi, "You need to speak up, otherwise nothing is going to happen and corruption is going to stay."

New York Times: Spy Agencies Tap Data Streaming from Phone Apps
Summary: The latest revelation about surveillance based on documents supplied by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden details how the agency, and its British counterpart, have been collecting huge amounts of data on individuals from popular smartphone apps, including games. Such data could include “location, age, sex and other personal information.”

See: http://www.whistleblower.org/