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Temat: WHISTLEBLOWER NEWS. Feb. 15. 2014 – 06

WHISTLEBLOWER NEWS. Feb. 15. 2014 – 06

South China Morning Post: SEC Policy Expected to Encourage Whistleblowers in Asia
Summary: According to analysts, the whistleblower protections and incentives spelled out by the Dodd-Frank Act will spark an increase in the number of whistleblower cases involving financial wrongdoing at U.S. and British-based companies operating in Asia, especially China.

ProPublica: You Know Who Else Collected Metadata? The Stasi.
Summary: Eye-opening piece from ProPublica which looks at how the East German secret police used “hand drawn social network graphs.” The article looks at the similarities of this information to the NSA collection programs. The piece links to interesting files obtained from the Stasi Archive in Berlin.

Washington Times: U.S. Press Freedom Suffers Under Obama, Survey Finds
Summary: According to a global survey released yesterday by the free press group Reporters Without Borders, the U.S. has dropped thirteen places (to 46th overall) in country rank for press freedom. This is largely because of the federal government’s treatment of whistleblowers, including Snowden, and the Department of Justice’s secret seizure of journalists' phone records.

Today, "The Day We Fight Back" Goes Global
Summary: Today, GAP is teaming up with other good governance groups, transparency organizations and accountability advocates around the world for The Day We Fight Back, a worldwide day of activism aimed at protesting the NSA’s global mass surveillance. You can contact your legislators through the banner on the front page of GAP’s website.

First Look Media's The Intercept: The NSA's Secret Role in the U.S. Assassination Program
Summary: Journalist Glenn Greenwald’s new media outlet – First Look Media – has launched. The first story from the outlet details how the NSA is involved in the U.S. drone assassination program, and that electronic surveillance information is utilized as “the primary method” to identify the whereabouts of individuals on the kill list. According to a whistleblowing former drone operator, relying on this type of unreliable information leads to the deaths of innocent and unidentified people.

Register Star (NY): Serpico Praises Work of Stop-and-Frisk Whistleblower
Summary: Legendary New York Police Department whistleblower Frank Serpico has voiced his support of modern-day whistleblowers involved in exposing the department’s racial profiling in using “stop-and-frisk.”

Associated Press: U.S. Law on Whistleblowers Could Cost U.N. Millions
Summary: Additional coverage of a recently-signed federal law that requires the Secretary of State to certify that each agency at the United Nations which receives U.S. contributions is adhering to best practices for the protection of whistleblowers. Agencies that lack such certification will lose 15 percent of their U.S. funding. As detailed by the article, this legislative development is a result of the treatment of GAP client James Wasserstrom, who while assigned to the U.N. peacekeeping operation in Kosovo, exposed a kickback scheme and faced terrible negative personal and professional retaliation.

Mail Online (U.K.): Turmoil at Barclays as Whistleblower Reveals 27,000 Customers Personal Details Were Sold on Black Market
Summary: A whistleblower has revealed that the personal data of 27,000 customers of banking behemoth Barclays was stolen and sold off to “rogue traders.”

See: http://www.whistleblower.org/