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Temat: WHISTLEBLOWER NEWS. Feb. 07. 2014 – 05

WHISTLEBLOWER NEWS. Feb. 07. 2014 – 05

USA Today: New U.S. Law Links Whistleblowers Defense to U.N. Funds
Summary: Last month, President Obama signed legislation requiring the Secretary of State to certify that each agency at the United Nations which receives U.S. contributions is adhering to best practices for the protection of whistleblowers.

Broadcasting & Cable: NSA Data Collection Critic Promotes Email Boilerplate Protest
Summary: Yesterday, GAP made available a Privacy Statement – to use as part of an email signature line – which explicitly prohibits the collection of communication by the NSA. Stated GAP Executive Director Bea Edwards, "For anyone who wonders what they can do about the surveillance state, this is one very tangible act of protest you can perform today." The Privacy Statement reads as follows:
This communication may be unlawfully collected and stored by the National Security Agency (NSA) in secret. The parties to this email do not consent to the retrieving or storing of this communication and any related metadata, as well as printing, copying, re-transmitting, disseminating, or otherwise using it. If you believe you have received this communication in error, please delete it immediately.

Legal Ethics Forum: The NSA is Listening in on Lawyer-Client Conversations

Associated Press: IOC May Create Safe Channel for Whistleblowers on Doping, Sex Abuse
Summary: Members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) have proposed that the organization set up a neutral body for whistleblowers to approach, with the guarantee of anonymity and assurance against retaliation, to allow for the reporting of “doping, match-fixing and sexual abuse.” IOC President Thomas Bach is reported as welcoming the proposals, stating “they would be discussed by a special working group that will submit recommendations later this year."

Voice of Russia: 'Only Four EU Countries Have Proper Whistleblower Protection Legislation' – Expert

New York Daily News: Frank Serpico Has Yet to Receive 1972 Medal of Honor Certificate from NYPD
Summary: Legendary whistleblower Frank Serpico, who exposed rampant corruption in the New York Police Department in the 1970s and has been immortalized in the movie that bears his name, “still has yet to receive the certificate of the Medal of Honor he received in an un-ceremonious event in 1972.”

Wall Street on Parade: A Rash of Deaths and a Missing Reporter – With Ties to Wall Street Investigations
Summary: Over the last several days, there has been a rash of deaths of high finance executives who worked for industry behemoths that are “under investigation for potentially serious financial fraud.” Some speculate that these deaths, which have all been labeled as suicides, are connected. This piece talks about one of the deaths – that of a former Deutsche Bank executive – and mentions GAP client (and Deutsche Bank whistleblower) Eric Ben-Artzi’s case and his appearance in January on the American Whistleblower Tour.

The Wire: Sochi Environmental Whistleblower Jailed 15 Days for Swearing in Public
Summary: A Russian environmental activist, who some consider to be a whistleblower, was set to travel to Sochi in the next few days to publicly release a report about the environmental impacts of the Olympic Games on the region. However, the whistleblower has been jailed for 15 days for swearing in public, apparently a violation of the country’s hooligan laws. The whistleblower's group has already detailed how Russia’s pledge of “zero waste” has been nothing of the kind.

Australian Associated Press: Salvation Army Whistleblower Fired, Royal Commission Told
Summary: A Salvation Army worker was allegedly fired after blowing the whistle on physical and sexual abuse at one of the organization's boys homes in Australia. Allegations are being heard in front of an Australian committee this week.

See: http://www.whistleblower.org/