Karol S.

Karol S. Experienced
individual with
knowledge of Supply
Chain. Re...

Temat: Newsletter 06.03.2013

Please find below newsletter from the last meeting.

Newsletter 06.03.2013

Karol chaired the last meeting. Every member of the public stood up and made a short introduction in the spirit of Spring – the theme of the meeting.
We are growing week after week. 24 people arrived to the meeting. Our guests were Arek, Daniel and Natalia. Thank you for coming.
Always ready Basia made us all laugh with her hilarious joke about Jesus and Satan the IT blokes.
Bartosz, who was Table Topic Master led efficiently his part. He span the bottle in order to draw the speakers. The winner was our guest Arek.
Basia launched the first speech. She told a moving story about herself. The title was “ Do not judge book by its cover” and it touched our hearts.
Second speaker - Sławek in speech “ Magic Quadrant – part two” showed the time management matrix. It is worth looking on the internet and seeing for yourself in which quadrant you are.
Tamar in project 5 “ Your Body Speaks” delivered a speech about body language. The message was that we speak with our bodies, even when you are speechless, you communicate a lot.
Hanna started a really good discussion with her “Thought of the Day”. She asked each of us: “Would you rather be successful or be yourself”. It was a pleasure to see members of the public stating their opinions, and others responding to it.
Sue, Marta K. and Piotr gave very good speech evaluations, after which the meeting was summed up by our president Piotr and his team.
 Last meeting, saw Grzegorz – being a Grammarian for the first time – congratulations and well done.
 Hanna took on the role of giving the Thought of the Day for the first time – much appreciated and excellently executed.
 Sue – thank you for bringing the cookies. They were extremely tasty and called yummy, yummy.
 Arek, guest and Division Governor praised our club after the meeting and was happy with what we do. Thank you Arek, for finding time, visiting us and giving valuable feedback.
Thank you,