Karol S.

Karol S. Experienced
individual with
knowledge of Supply
Chain. Re...

Temat: Newsletter

Please find attached newsletter from the last meeting 24.04.2013 written by Tamar Kanashvili:

Version with pictures could be found on our web page: http://tricitytoastmasters.pl

Newsletter Made For

“You Are Not a Real Member Of A Group Until You Take Part in Conversation” –Those words were told not by Ralph Smedley to us, but now By Barbara Toastie!
No Agenda, No “Ah” counter, General and the Main Evaluator: A U D I E N C E!
Time? Strictly controlled! Time waits for No One, Each Second Matters!
The Price of This watch is more than 4 Million$ , our time were even more valuable!
Because We Were Together!
We were discussing future of Toastmasters!
Toastmaster of the Day –Marcin, Opening Speech
Report and Advises of Contest in Poznan –By Barbara and Tamar
Sharing Current Expectation & Why Do we attend on Toastmasters Meeting?!
What Should Be changed, added –Discussion
And As a Result we have a Several New Traditions!
Secret Questions-Yes, You Should Have attended!
Outgoing Event
New Traditions
Weekly News- To Improve English Language Skills
Prize for “The Best Table Topic Master” –Who will win the most of speeches!
Debates Day –To increase our persuasive, negotiation skills!
Outgoing Activities – Picnics on the beach, Walking in Park etc. (+Games)
Different Style of Newsletters, Full of Pictures, News- You will know the “Team competition winners”- by Newsletter!
Speech Topics- Sometimes will be chosen by audience, so each of us should try to research new topic, real challenges are ahead! That’s not all. Don’t take above mentioned suggestions as Rules.
Theory is unless, until its not used in Practice!
We are waiting for your New Suggestions and New Ideas!
And The Winner of Table Topic is--------------------------------------------------------------
You have 1 Big Point! Congratulations!!!!!!

Winners of Competition in Teams!!!!
Description: Group were divided in 2, each of them had a Leader which was chosen by team. They were given 1 minute to write down as many English Words as its possible, Word should -started from “I” No Adjectives, Only Nouns.
Group #1, was leaded By Barbara, Group #2 By Karol. Leader who would lost the game, should bring chocolate for whole winners team.
And The Winner is -Basia’s Team!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!
Karol, Karol –You Won Table Topics, but not the Team Competition, so be prepared to deliver “Prize” For the Winner Team! Congratulations to Basia’s Team! You demonstrated real Team Spirit and You won by quality + quantity!
How Was the Meeting?

Efficient!Karol Sulewski edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.04.13 o godzinie 19:12