Monika Królak

Monika Królak business consultant,
public speaking,

Temat: The District 59 Spring Conference, 22-24 Mai 2009,...

Dear fellow Toastmaster.
Dear visitor.

May 22 - May 24 in Düsseldorf, Germany, District 59 Conference.

Toastmasters from the two Düsseldorf clubs have teamed up to organize a great event
- and as Conference Chair I have the honor to invite you:

come to Düsseldorf to experience the District 59 family.

Experience the variety - yet proximity, to experience Toastmaster fun at it’s best.

We love our Toastmaster clubs – they are the heart of the learning experience.

A District 59 conference on the other side is taking Toastmastering to a higher level:

Great educational sessions, fantastic contest speeches (remember, it’s round four!), an international audience of fantastic, open-minded people, a posh gala dinner & a great party with dancing.

Speaking of DANCING: To make sure that you will really enjoy the dancing after Saturday evening’s gala dinner, we will offer a Salsa dancing class during the breaks on Saturday.

Düsseldorf is a famous fashion & shopping city - and the beautiful conference hotel is located in the very heart of the city, directly on Düsseldorf’s posh shopping street Königsallee – or Kö, as the locals call it. The river Rhine is within walking distance, and the famous Altstadt – the ‘world`s longest pub counter’ is just a few hundred meters away. But Düsseldorf is also famous for art exhibitions of all kinds. We will be happy to point you (or your significant other) to cultural events worthwhile visiting while you are in town.

We will of course offer a guided tour to the city’s most interesting sights.

This website will be updated frequently – please come back and check for new information from time to time. Please also sign up for our email-newsletter so we can keep you informed.

Dear fellow Toastmasters,

Many of you have met me at a District Conference over the last couple of years. I have actually attended every single District Conference since Spring 2004 – and I simply cannot image missing one. - Can you?

Come to Düsseldorf and make friends with people from all over Europe!

I promise you a great conference and lots of fun in Düsseldorf.

Toastmaster’ly Yours

Dirk Löffelbein

Look forward to another exciting exquisite District Conference!
Alicja Dąbrowska

Alicja Dąbrowska Założyciel WrocLove
Toastmasters PL we

Temat: The District 59 Spring Conference, 22-24 Mai 2009,...


Serdeczne gratulację zostania Governorem Area C4 Poland!

La la la - ależ mam świetny humor! :-)))

Naprawdę bardzo się cieszę i uważam, że będziesz świetnym szefem naszej Area. Jako i poprzedni byli. Hough!

Pozdrawiam - Ala
Jerzy Andrzej Gzula

Jerzy Andrzej Gzula Wiedza + Organizacja
+ Jakość

Temat: The District 59 Spring Conference, 22-24 Mai 2009,...

Od 1 lipca 2009 nowym Area Governor Rejonu (Area)C4 będzie Joanna Tkaczyk-Nowakowska. Natomiast Monika Królak jako Division C Governor będzie nadzorować pracę wszystkich sześciu Rejonów w Division C obejmującej Polskę i Północne Niemcy.

Temat: The District 59 Spring Conference, 22-24 Mai 2009,...

Drobne uściślenie dotychczasowy Area C4 został podzielony na dwa Rejony
C4 (Warszawa, Katowice + Łódź, Kraków, ...)
C6 (Szczecin, Poznań, Wrocław + Bydgoszcz, ...)Joanna T. edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.05.09 o godzinie 16:47
Alicja Dąbrowska

Alicja Dąbrowska Założyciel WrocLove
Toastmasters PL we

Temat: The District 59 Spring Conference, 22-24 Mai 2009,...

Moniko! Joasiu!

Gratuluję bardzo Wam obu. A Tobie, Jerzy, dziekuje za korekte.

Pozdrawiam -

Następna dyskusja:

District 59 Spring Conferen...

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