Richard Lucas

Richard Lucas Entrepreneur,
Investor, Speaker,
Host, Podcaster

Temat: help needed, meeting

I've a couple of documents in English that need translating, can anyone help with that. I'll buy you beer (or whatever) as thanks
provided its in Cracow.

I also want to organise a meeting about GEW in Cracow toward the end of next week (maybe Thurs about 6) is there anyone on this forum who is able willing to come

its going to be action orientated. IE at the end we will have commmitments to who is doing what by when

For translation wojuld be a 2-3 of documents
1. how to do a compelling presentation if you want go back to your old school and talk about enterprise

The idea is that we (that's people like you) tell Nasza Klasa members in the school you went to about
Światowy Tydzień Przedsiębiorczości w Polsce GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP WEEK and propose to the director of the school either a careers day where alumni go in and do workshops,talk about jobs and work etc

2. how to make host a school visit - for those of you working in an office where the people in charge are in favour of hosting school visits.

(I am proud of possibly having the youngest ever company visit in Polish history in the place I used to work..- not hard given how late Polish kids start going to school.

Its nice giving Krakow and Poland a global audience

So in summary, if anyone can help drop me a message

