Stefan Hulicki

Stefan Hulicki Analityk biznesowy /

Temat: Turcja

Dear Polish Partners,
We need Polish Partner for our project between the days 03-07 November 2005 with 2or3 people from each country.
The partner countries are Italy,
Portugal, Greek, Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Lithuania and Turkey
(open for EU countries).
The summary of the seminar is : Cultural Interaction,
ice breaking, knowing each other and discussion
different cultures, sex discrimination at work places

%70 of your travel cost will be paid in cash when
you arrived and we will provide full accommodation in
4star hotel in Kirsehir- Turkey ( Cappodocia Region).

polecam, zachecam, zainteresowanych prosze o kontakt!
Stefan Hulicki

Stefan Hulicki Analityk biznesowy /

Temat: Turcja

Your Culture is My Culture
(Action 1.1 Youth Exchange)

24 th - 30 th December 2007

Następna dyskusja:

Turcja- co polecacie






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