Piotr G.

Piotr G. psycholog, trener,
projektowania sk...

Temat: Meet the Chinese in Opole

“Meet the Chinese”
Chinese Cultural Awareness Training for Students

13th December 2010
“KMICIC” Dormitory, ul. Grunwaldzka , Room “Oleńka”

The training aims to help prepare for dealings with the Chinese and immersing in the Chinese culture and society by imparting invaluable knowledge that will assist in building strong interpersonal relationships, promote clear lines of communication and help minimize cross cultural misunderstandings. This training also prepares University students to be more competitive in job market.


Training Outline

15.00 – 16.30 Part 1
· An introduction to China
· Chinese relationship with foreigner
· Cultural differences between China and Poland
· The Chinese business meeting protocol

16.30 – 17.00 Coffee break

17.00 – 18.30 Part 2
· Chinese & Polish “Guanxi “– The system of connection or relationship
· Losing face & Face saving “Mianzi”
· Gift giving
· Socializing with Chinese e.g banquet, seating, table manner, karaoke etc

18.30– 18.45 Break

18.45 – 20.15 Part 3
· Numbers in China
· Useful Chinese words/phrases to impress the Chinese
· Case study: The important of Chinese business culture and etiquette for foreigners
· Questions and Answers

Price: 80 PLN per person ( students only)

Price includes:
· 5-hour training
· Certificate
· Chinese native trainer
· 1 Coffee break

Information & enrolment: meet.the.chinese.opole@gmail.com

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Temat: Meet the Chinese in Opole

Spotkanie jest w Opolu Czy we Wrocławiu ?
A jak ktoś jest studentem w Studium dwuletnim to też może przyjść ?


Piotr G.:
“Meet the Chinese”
Chinese Cultural Awareness Training for Students

13th December 2010
“KMICIC” Dormitory, ul. Grunwaldzka , Room “Oleńka”

The training aims to help prepare for dealings with the Chinese and immersing in the Chinese culture and society by imparting invaluable knowledge that will assist in building strong interpersonal relationships, promote clear lines of communication and help minimize cross cultural misunderstandings. This training also prepares University students to be more competitive in job market.


Training Outline

15.00 – 16.30 Part 1
· An introduction to China
· Chinese relationship with foreigner
· Cultural differences between China and Poland
· The Chinese business meeting protocol

16.30 – 17.00 Coffee break

17.00 – 18.30 Part 2
· Chinese & Polish “Guanxi “– The system of connection or relationship
· Losing face & Face saving “Mianzi”
· Gift giving
· Socializing with Chinese e.g banquet, seating, table manner, karaoke etc

18.30– 18.45 Break

18.45 – 20.15 Part 3
· Numbers in China
· Useful Chinese words/phrases to impress the Chinese
· Case study: The important of Chinese business culture and etiquette for foreigners
· Questions and Answers

Price: 80 PLN per person ( students only)

Price includes:
· 5-hour training
· Certificate
· Chinese native trainer
· 1 Coffee break

Information & enrolment: meet.the.chinese.opole@gmail.com
Piotr G.

Piotr G. psycholog, trener,
projektowania sk...

Temat: Meet the Chinese in Opole

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