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Temat: MultiGas™ 2030 HS 5Hz Combustion Analysis

The MultiGas™ 2030 HS is a high resolution FTIR based gas analyser designed to monitor automobile, diesel and catalyst combustion exhaust at 5 Hz sampling frequencies. The analyser is designed to allow gas flows up to an exceeding 100 L/min with no back pressure or acoustic gas cell noise generated that could degrade the quantitative measurement. Twenty plus (20+) gases can be quantified simultaneously at this frequency without any reporting delays. Samples containing up to 30% absolute water content can be monitored without chillers by maintaining the gas temperature and appropriate particulate filtration. Detection limits of 1 ppm or less are achievable with this analyser by using higher sensitivity narrower range MCT detectors. The system comes calibrated for 1 atm gas pressures at both 150°C and 191°C (for diesel applications).

The MultiGas™ 2030 HS analyser is composed of a high speed 0.5/cm process hardened FTIR spectrometer. The spectrometer is coupled to a patented 5.11m high-optical-throughput 200 mL gas sampling cell with ½ inch plumbing to reduce backpressure and allow for higher flows. The analyser generally incorporates a high sensitivity liquid nitrogen cooled MCT that can maintain cryogenic temperatures for up to 12 hours on a single charge. The system is delivered complete with easy to use software and health diagnostics, calibration, installation and training.
