Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: IIL Free Webinar: Changes in PMBOK Guide® 4th Edition (1...

Zapraszam na darmowe seminarium internetowe w języku angielskim na temat różnic między trzecią i czwartą wersją podręcznika zarządzania projektami PMBOK Guide. Wersja czwarta zacznie obowiązywać na egzaminach PMI po 30 czerwca 2009. Posiadacze certyfikatu PMP otrzymują 1 godzinę PDU. Do wyboru trzy terminy w piątki 12, 19, lub 26 czerwca 2009. Ilość miejsc organiczona. Rezerwacja na stronach IIL.

About This Webinar
The 2008 PMI standards program was a historic transformation designed to align the following:
■ PMBOK® Guide – Fourth Edition
■ The Standard for Program Management – Second Edition
■ The Standard for Portfolio Management – Second Edition
■ The Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM3®) – Second Edition

The intention was to achieve a high level of alignment between all of these standards. This one-hour webinar explains the differences between the Third and Fourth Editions of the PMBOK® Guide with side-by-side comparisons of each chapter where the changes were most significant. It also highlights important information for project management practitioners and organizational leaders.

Participants will learn in a condensed form, the major differences and how they impact possible policies, methodologies, and practices within an organization. Leaders and project managers will also be able to assess their current methodologies and develop adaptations to incorporate some of the advantages of the latest standard into their methodologies

What You Will Learn
In this free one-hour session, you will interact with an experienced project management consultant and trainer to determine:
■ How the new standard is different from the old
■ Which areas to focus on if you are to align your current methodologies with the latest standard
■ Which areas are practically the same in the old and new standard (Yes - there are great similarities, too)
■ Areas to focus on that are different if you have started studying for the PMP certification, but won’t be able to take the test before June 30
■ Areas for improvement in both your own knowledge and skills, as well as company methodologies

Our Presenters
The outstanding quality of our faculty serves as the hallmark of IIL, distinguishing us in our profession. Our webinar presenters are elite in terms of their extensive industry backgrounds as well as practical classroom experience. Your presenter will communicate real-world knowledge that imparts a sense of fun and discovery – preparing and motivating you to apply your new skills in the workplace.

Choose your date
■ 12 June 2009, 21.00
■ 19 June 2009, 19.00
■ 26 July 2009, 15.00
More dates to be announced.
Krzysztof C.

Krzysztof C. Project Manager,
Scrum Master

Temat: IIL Free Webinar: Changes in PMBOK Guide® 4th Edition (1...

Właśnie wziąłem udział w tym seminarium. Polecam je osobom, które chcą w miarę szybko (1 godzina) zorientować się jakie są główne zmiany. Żeby poznać szczegóły trzeba jednak będzie przeczytać nową wersję.
Angielski prezentera jest bardzo zrozumiały, a po seminarium można zadawać pytania. Wzięło w nim udział około 150 osób, ale nie zauważyłem nikogo innego z Polski.


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