Bart T.

Bart T. Managing Member,
Executive, MBA, PhD,
Fulbright Scholar

Temat: personal attributes

To my mind, what makes a REAL leader is AUTHENTICITY! What makes a great leader to YOUR mind? What do YOU reckon?

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Temat: personal attributes

I'd say it's also clearness, passion and vision. These two last don't need explanation, but by clearness I mean having and establishing clear rules, based on values, and obeying them. Simply speaking, it's thinking, talking and acting the same way. What You say 'bout that?
Bart T.

Bart T. Managing Member,
Executive, MBA, PhD,
Fulbright Scholar

Temat: personal attributes

Hey Mateusz,
I really like the fact that you mention VALUES! Seems like the whole idea of Business Ethics sounds way funny in SOME of the Eastern European countries - too bad. As for the VISION: you're right - it's ONE of the MOST important leadership talents or aptitudes or, say, competencies; both CREATING & ACTUALISING Vision. What YOU call 'clearness', I would label 'SELF-awareness/understanding' FIRST with core features like clarity, purpose, personal strategy, authenticity thru behavioral alignment (with again both VALUES & vision), accountability...

Bart J. Tkaczyk (MD & Training Administrator) edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.08.06 o godzinie 23:53

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