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Temat: Teorie

Your opinion on C.G.Jung


AM: I wrote several times about Jung in my books (Thou Shalt Not Be Aware and Banished Knowledge, I think). Many of his theories, especially the one on archetypes I regard as a way of escaping from the reality of his childhood , from the trauma of being sexually abused by his father. I wrote among other things that it is easier to fear the archetype of the mean but abstract goddess Kala than to feel the pain of being exploited by the concrete person of the beloved parent. If you read my FAQ list, maybe you will understand why I insist on questioning the future therapist about what he may know concerning his own childhood and how he worked on itSabina Gatti edytował(a) ten post dnia 27.10.09 o godzinie 17:21

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Temat: Teorie

Melanie Klein i Kernberg


The analytical construction of dangerous internal parents is only a sign of the fact that analytical therapists still live in a state of the child's fear as long as they deny the cruelty of their REAL parents. Unfortunately, most of them deny this fact, accuse the child (above all Melanie Klein and her followers like Kernberg and others) and make it thus impossible for their patients to recognize the torture they were submitted to in childhood. So their patients also stay caught within these fears for decades. Why do you go to psychoanalysts?

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