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Temat: What is This Group's Purpose?


Sorry for the obvious question. Probably this will be the shortest topic in this group's history.

And excuse my English but I do not know Polish. I am sure someone here will know English. I found this group by following the "Tabletop RPG in English" meeting.

Is this an online club for creativity or creative people? What types of subject are discussed? Are types of fields are considered: advertising? hobbies? debt refinance?

I would appreciate any guidance. Thanks!

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Temat: What is This Group's Purpose?

Jaki jest cel tej grupy?

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Temat: What is This Group's Purpose?

Sorry Mister, no speaking Inglese ;-)))
Prot Haładaj

Prot Haładaj Programmers manager
& solutions
designer. Apps &

Temat: What is This Group's Purpose?

The main purpose of that group is that we are adoring each other 24/7. W sensie celem tej grupy jest wzajemna adoracja. Right?

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