Grzegorz Albinowski

Grzegorz Albinowski Senior Business
Transition Project

Temat: ISACA/ITGI proszą o opinie: The [RISK IT] Framework...

ISACA/ITGI proszą o opinie: The [RISK IT] Framework Exposure Draft

Instytut IT Governance (IT Governance Institute, ITGI) oraz
Stowarzyszenie ds. Audytu i Kontroli Systemów Informatycznych (ISACA)
opublikowały projekt nowego standardu "RISK IT based on COBIT"

Enterprise Risk: Identify, Govern and Manage Risk The Risk IT Framework Exposure Draft


Przez najbliższe 45 dni można komentować zawartość. Autorzy przejrza wszystkie opinie w celu poprawienia zawartości dokumentu.


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This IT enterprise risk management framework was designed to allow business managers to identify and assess IT-related business risks and manage them effectively. It provides the missing link between enterprise risk management (ERM) and IT risk management and control, fitting in the overall IT governance framework of ITGI, and building upon all existing risk related components within the current frameworks, i.e., COBIT and Val IT.

The exposure draft is posted for 45 day public exposure and comment. At the conclusion of the exposure period, the authors will use the feedback, comments and suggestions provided to improve the publication for issue.

Any feedback and/or material ("Submitted Material") submitted by e-mail or otherwise to ISACA/ITGI regarding the exposure draft, will be considered non-confidential. ISACA/ITGI is free to use any Submitted Material incorporating it into subsequent drafts and the resulting published versions of the work. You hereby assign exclusively to ISACA/ITGI any and all of your rights, title and interest in and to the Submitted Material as it is incorporated into the work.Grzegorz Albinowski edytował(a) ten post dnia 31.01.09 o godzinie 20:14