Katarzyna J.

Katarzyna J. HR Business Partner

Temat: Disciplinary procedure

I'd like to aks, if anybody, in your companies, has a developed disciplinary procedure against employees who broke policy and procedures of information safety.?

What should I take into account creating this disciplinary procedure? How does a compliance with the policy work?

Thanks in advance,
Marek F.

Marek F. Doradca

Temat: Disciplinary procedure

well in the place I used to work, it was strictly connected with level of safty policy that was broken.
Safty (confidential) politcy was devided into 4-5 level. 1 lev. not serious violation 5th lev. very strong violation = prosecuiton, dissmisal, etc.

disciplinary procedures where strictly connected with level of policy that was broken.
for brakin lower level there were official warnings, etc. for 4 and 5th level that person could be dissmised from work.

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