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Temat: Pranie brudnych pieniędzy za pomocą nieruchomości


AML Concerns for Real Estate Professionals

Generally, money laundering implies placing into the real economy quite important ill-gained sums. Until a few years ago, mistakenly, in my opinion, real estate was considered not as risky as other fields for money laundering, perhaps because buying and selling is not a straightforward process; it takes weeks or even months to be completed.

Compared to the financial sector, this is undoubtedly true but let’s see it from a wrongdoer perspective; luxury real estate never suffered for economic crisis and yes, crime is a very wealthy business (otherwise it wouldn’t exist).

Therefore, one may place millions in buying exclusive properties without triggering any unusual activity.

Placing illicitly gained profits into the aforementioned transactions has 2 advantages for money launderers:
•They can invest a lot in just one single transaction,
•They can easily re-sell those properties.

Eventually, a wire transfer can be done from a third country, as the counterpart’s bank (usually the buyer’s) doesn’t need to establish customer relations in these cases.

Read more: AML Concerns for Real Estate Professionals | Anti Corruption Digest http://anticorruptiondigest.com/anti-corruption-news/2...
Andrzej  Dobrzyniecki-Car tier

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Temat: Pranie brudnych pieniędzy za pomocą nieruchomości

W tym artykule opisuje jak światowe organizacje terrorystyczne piorą pieniądze między innymi za pomocą nieruchomości. Miłej lektury .


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Pranie brudnych pieniędzy

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