Temat: wolontariat w bulgarii

The name of the project is “Spectacle of the Letters” and will be held in Bulgaria between 1st of March and 1st of June 2012. We are looking for three volunteers from one organization from at least four EU countries. That mean we are looking from each organization to send minimum 3 volunteers for this period of time and we are looking for partnership with at least four EU organizations.

Here is some information for the project:
“Youth academic Initiative” with close partnership with 22-th High School from Sofia will organize theatrical “Spectacle of the Letters”. The main idea is volunteers from EU countries together with students of the school and members of our organization to create screen play for the spectacle, to train themselves to be actors in this event, to educate the foreign participants to their native language through the methods of Non-formal education, to create costumes, masks and other requisites for this theatrical show. This spectacle will be present in front of audience on 24th of 2012 during the celebrations of the Cyrillic Alphabet in the capital city of Bulgaria - Sofia. The volunteers will have the opportunity to be signed for 3 month language course on Bulgarian, they will be able to know foreign culture and make friendship with youth volunteers from many countries. All the details for this project will be discussed if it will be approved by the Youth in action program which we will know in the middle of December 2011, for now this is the short preview of the project.
Here are the requirements and the conditions for participation in this project:
1. Each organization should send 3 volunteers
2. The organizations must be from EU countries
3. The age of the volunteers must be between 18-25 years

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Temat: wolontariat w bulgarii

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Wolontariat w Bulgarii 2012

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