Agata F.

Agata F. Employer Branding
Director // always
lead, never

Temat: 'The Office' quotes

a jakie sa wasze ulubione?

Jim - You look cute today, Dwight..
Dwight - Thanks, girl.


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Temat: 'The Office' quotes



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Temat: 'The Office' quotes

Dwight: How would I describe myself? Three words: hard working, alpha male, jack hammer. Merciless. Insatiable.
Agata F.

Agata F. Employer Branding
Director // always
lead, never

Temat: 'The Office' quotes

Good worker.
Hard worker.

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Temat: 'The Office' quotes

Michael: Why don't we go around, and everybody... everybody say a race that you are attracted to sexually. I will go last.

Dwight:I have two: White and Indian.
Agata F.

Agata F. Employer Branding
Director // always
lead, never

Temat: 'The Office' quotes

Jim: Sometimes I send Dwight faxes from himself in the future.
Dwight: Dear Dwight, At 8am someone will poison the coffee. Do not drink the coffee! More instructions will follow. Cordially, Future Dwight
Dwight sees Stanley about to drink the coffee and sprints across the office, knocking the cup out of Stanley's hand
Dwight: NO! (and after knocking the cup to the floor) You'll thank me later.


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Temat: 'The Office' quotes

Michael Scott: How do you tell someone, that you care about, deeply - "I told you so". Gently? With a rose? In a funny way? Like it's a hilarious joke? Or do you just let it go. Because saying it would just make it worse.

[...] Probably the funny way.Łukasz W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 21.10.08 o godzinie 14:47

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Temat: 'The Office' quotes

z business ethics:

People expect a lot
from these meetings--
laughter,sudden twists,surprise endings.
You need to be robin williams
and M.Night shyamalan.
You need to be robin shyamalan.
Katarzyna Ciszak

Katarzyna Ciszak Główny specjalista
ds. księgowości, AM
SSC Europe

Temat: 'The Office' quotes

Michael Scott: Jim Halpert. Pros: smart, cool, good-looking. Remind you of anybody you know? Cons: not a hard worker. I can spend all day on a project, and he will finish the same project in a half an hour. So that should tell you something.Katarzyna Ciszak edytował(a) ten post dnia 31.10.08 o godzinie 15:09
Magda S.

Magda S. Zastępca Kierownika
Działu Kadr i Płac

Temat: 'The Office' quotes

That`s what she said;)
Agata F.

Agata F. Employer Branding
Director // always
lead, never

Temat: 'The Office' quotes

Michael w 05/05 - Employee Transfer:

Holly thinks that this relationship is over. Well, you know what? I am not gonna give up that easy. I'm gonna make this way harder than it needs to be.
Anna D.

Anna D. dyrektor ds.
projektami, Media
Partner SJ

Temat: 'The Office' quotes

Dwight: Whenever I'm about to do something, I think, 'would an idiot do that?' And if they would, I do not do that thing.

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Temat: 'The Office' quotes

Micheal: In Japan you must always commit suicide to avoid embarrassment :D

i drugie:

So I think I know what i have to do at this point. I need to find ways to push Meredith to the bottom, I think I can do it. I did it with Jan :)
Agata F.

Agata F. Employer Branding
Director // always
lead, never

Temat: 'The Office' quotes

Niagara wedding ---> Kevin:

What an awesome party. The best wedding I've ever been too. I got six numbers. One more would have been a complete telephone number.


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Temat: 'The Office' quotes

From the Booze Cruise:

Michael: In an office, when you are ranking people, a manager is higher than captain; on a boat, who knows, it's nebulous.

Cały odcinek uwieńczony motivational dance contest w wykonaniu Michaela G. ;)

"Primal art form used in ancient times to express yourself with the body. And communicate!"
Jakub Kłoskowski

Jakub Kłoskowski Henkel, Entuzjazm

Temat: 'The Office' quotes


"I live by one rule: no office romances, no way, very messy, inaproriate, no. But.. I live by another rule: just do it! - nike"

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Temat: 'The Office' quotes

Dwight :
Would I ever leave this company? Look, I'm all about loyalty. In fact, I feel like part of what I'm being paid for here is my loyalty. But if there were somewhere else that valued loyalty more highly, I'm going wherever they value loyalty the most.

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Office 2007 Technical Refresh

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