Roman Jan Legierski

Roman Jan Legierski Niezależny inżynier
i hotel manager

Dreams as I am day dream believer[url][/url]

This is based on two Words: 1Thim 4:8b and Psalm 37:3,4,5

The list of my dreams in real realm I would like be fullfilled by my Lord Jesus yet in this life, if He wishes on this Earth.

1 Visit Ulverson UK Cumbria all areas when we had spent good times in 1997 with our brotherhood.
-visit Stoke on Trent to check my all former friends, then youth, some were former miners, from 1968- my first emmigration time from Poland and of course pub Beverly with good beer Ansell.
Visit Millicent Spillman in Knutsford as I promised her.
2.Visit of Israel Yerushalaim Temple Mount, where Ancient Temple stood, EnGaddy, place of love- Song of Song, and Negev desert, place of wild area where Eliah was feeded, Gan Dafna, where survivors from ship Exodus had builded their settlement and Hajfa town place of Eliah and Exodus ship story,
Tel Aviv builded by Zionists, expecial Bay where are many pubs jazz clubs , Gospel Cafe of brother Andrew Gasiorowski
Kibuts and Moshaw named Moshaw Mazor, close to Jerushalaim, to know life in these societies, one od my internet parter Benny invites me,
Andrew Gasiorowski family home in Cazeraea, after they were expelled from Poland in 1991.
Eliat, place of clean Read Sea life.
Climbing Mount Hermon when Jesus was transformed and Hulla Valley when Zionist started rebuild modern Israel, by their own hands with God's help.

3.Visit of Greece,
Naoussa beautifull village, 60 km west from Thessaloniki 20 km from Veria((Beroa) Paul established third church in Greece, town my AGH friend Ioanis to meet him and eat roasted lamb with much retzina vine as it was in 1978.
Athina, the places I worked, Plaka tawernas with music greek groups and retzina good greek vine, if it will be able to visit my former boss in Persona Grata Mrs. Iro Coroneu, Peristeri Athina worker suburban, where I had met good fellow in1978.Crossroad gospel center in Ambelokipi suburban with pastor Alan Demos, who helped us much in 1978 and gave me greek Bible and many worship song casettes I keep still until today.
Visit Pireaus harbour the place when I had got job on greek ship.
Repeat my walk with rucksack around Pelopones from town Pyrgos to Sparta thought Olympia, Pilos, Kalamata when I first time saw in hotel by my bed Bible, nowhere I saw it again,
visit Crete village Iera Petra, South East, when we spent wonderfull time with my wife Mary Lou on our honeymoon in 1980 October.
Visit green Island on Egean Thallassa, Ikaria, near Patmos, captain Moulas Evstratios was born and encouraged me that in 1979, when we passed by to Istanbul from Bejrut
4. Visit of Argentina town of Bahia Blanca, I liked much then, because of architecture 1979.
5.Visit of Perth WA and desert where I saw in 1992 starred night sky I never seen before in Europe and walk anew on warm Indian Ocean beaches.
6.Visit Malawi to meet with brother Fentick Mpota Gospeller and see their live.
7.Visit Pakistan brothers with their coloured life we are avoiding in Europe.
8.Trip by transsiberian rail from Moscow to Władiwostok ( two weeks )
9 Visit Ontatio Oakville,Canada, where many of my friends from Poland live,
10.Visit old brother Peter Whyte in Zimbabwe
11.Visit New Zealand farmer's live and tradition
12.Vitis Costa Rica my fellow Polish citizen baker Juan Carlos Monteros.

13 Visit Alaska brother Tom Miklausch who helped us to get on FGBMFI convention in Vienna 1980
This is all.
I know perhaps this is stupid, but please find me any man without dreams.They who are alive have dreams. Dead peoples have no dreams .

Shabbat, before Easter 2010.