Temat: CIMA w USA?

Poniżej daję kilka opinii znalezionych na forach. Chciałbym jednak Was prosić, o ile to możliwe, o podzielenie się swoimi doświadczeniami w tej sferze, jeśli jakieś macie lub o których słyszeliście. Czy w rzeczywistości CIMA nic nie znaczy tam, czy może to tylko opinia osób nie do końca zaznajomionych z tematem. Będę wdzięczny za opinie i uwagi.

"I have been living in New York for two years and have continued studying for CIMA here. CIMA not know about in the USA at all. If you intend to stay in the USA for a long period of your career, I would not recommend CIMA at all. You would ideally want to be going towards a CPA. Most employers here have not even heard about CIMA, and studying for it here is a joke (literally no classes and one exam I went to only had one other person in the room)."

"Hi John In the USA the designation is CMA for a certified management accountant with the Institute of Management Accountants. ( http://imanet.org ) If you are planning to relocate to the USA permanently then you can transfer your membership to the IMA once you are fully qualified with CIMA."

"Recent research publication indicates more skilled professionals are leaving the UK, and I believe this include accountants. USA (besides Canada and Australia) is the preferred destination for most migrants. CIMA has already completed the work in Canada and Australia; I haven't read anything as yet what effort the institute is making towards recognisability of the CIMA qualification in the USA. I hope CIMA executives will come up with more information on this topic."