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Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

Does anyone here have any experience with psychics?
My mum and some of her friends visited them a few years ago, and though a lot of what they said was very general, she answered certain 'questions' or doubts that my mother and others had in their minds that were very specific and not easy to manipulate.

In fact all this kind of stuff became very popular and there were radio programmes with psychics and psychic evenings in pubs.

Is it popular in Poland or is this kind of thing taboo?

Anyone have any amazing or uninspiring experiences with mediums?

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Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

Not a first hand experience, but many years ago a friend of my wife's went to see a medium. For almost a year she hadn't been feeling too well. Many doctors, specialists had visited her but couldn't find any reason for her massive headaches and general condition.

So she went to see the medium (for the very first time in her life) and was told that in a couple of months she would be diagnosed with a brain tumor. She thought it was some kind of joke, but...

In fact 3 months later during another series of periodic exams they found it in her brain.

She got into O.R. a few weeks after that, luckily the surgery was a success, all of the tumor was removed and she's been feeling OK since.

PS. That said I must add I don't believe psychics or mediums (or whatever you wanna call them) and generally have serious doubts about the afterlife.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

"Psychics" use a technique known in the trade as "cold reading", which essentially involves packaging truisms in gobbledegook so that they sound profound, and then callibrating the client's response in order to seemingly "reveal" ever more "accurate" information that "they couldn't have possibly known".

For a demonstration of how it works:



If anyone's interested in some further reading on the subject, please let me know and I'd be happy to oblige;)

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Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

So, what does this mean? That all psychics are frauds who use certain tricks, or that certain believe that have a power, but are in fact subconciously using techniques.

I have been to psychic evenings in pubs where many of the people who attend, but aren't 'professional' psychics, claim to be able to make contact with spirits.
I also remember people, such as a very ordinary teenage girl, talking about their 'guardian angel', i.e. a spirit that is frequently around them.

Are they attention seekers (even if they seem rather quiet) or in need of anti-psychotic drugs?

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Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

I remember the mass hysteria in Poland that came from Russia with "dr Kaszpirowski" (Kashpirovski ;)) in the 80's:


Loads of people attended his healing sessions and I guess loads of them believed in his supernatural powers. Then followed Nowak in the 90's who made a fortune selling bottles of his healing mineral water.

Personally, I do believe that all people would be able to act as all those mediums or healers if they knew how to use the mysterious subconscious mind. Not all "mediums" are cons - some of them may have learnt how to use it to some degree and are able to "see" more than ordinary people. We all possess energy and it's obvious it affects the people around us - either in a positive or a negative way and we are rarely aware of our own influence on others but I doubt anybody's possibilities to heal serious diseases.Patrycja P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.02.08 o godzinie 13:35

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Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

double, sorryPatrycja P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.02.08 o godzinie 13:34

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Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

Patrycja P.:

Personally, I do believe that all people would be able to act as all those mediums or healers if they knew how to use the mysterious subconscious mind. Not all "mediums" are cons

And I just don't know enough to say whether it is BS or not. On one hand, being a very down-to-earth scientist, I ask that such things ought to be falsifiable and subject to scientific method and scrutiny, on the other hand, however, there is a non-zero probability that there are certain powers or force fields we are not (yet?) aware of. At the moment I would probably have to reject such phenomena due to the simple fact that we cannot test them in classic scientific way. Last but not least, if people think it helps them - so be it. Placebo effect can be as affective as the actual chemical agent used for this or another specific treatment.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

Steven H.:
So, what does this mean? That all psychics are frauds who use certain tricks, or that certain believe that have a power, but are in fact subconciously using techniques.

I have been to psychic evenings in pubs where many of the people who attend, but aren't 'professional' psychics, claim to be able to make contact with spirits.
I also remember people, such as a very ordinary teenage girl, talking about their 'guardian angel', i.e. a spirit that is frequently around them.

Are they attention seekers (even if they seem rather quiet) or in need of anti-psychotic drugs?

It's a "trick". It's a learnable technique, just like magic isn't really magic...

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Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

It's a "trick". It's a learnable technique, just like magic isn't really magic...

That would mean that a lot of people in the room (not just the guest speaker claimed to have the 'power') were frauds, and they weren't even offering to get up and give readings.
Those people who say they have contact with the other side, but don't offer readings... they are not tricking anyone, either lying or delusional then?
Agata P.

Agata P. angielski: lekcje,

Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

I think, that a good psychic is just a good psychologist; one that can 'read' a person's future from his/her current behavior, way of talking, attitude etc, etc.
Yet I do believe that some people can actually see the future, but I doubt you can find their names in PF:) I believe in intuition and reading signs, and that's something everybody can do.
I remember reading an article that said that kids can see things - angels, dead members of family - and later in life we lose that ability. There's something to it. I guess we can't chose to see something - it's the other side that contacts us. In my case, if someone in my family dies I always have the same dream: the person comes to say good-bye, we never talk, it's usualy just a hand wave, and she/he gets into a car (with a driver) and leaves. Coincience? Maybe. But that's the only dream I have about dead family members :)
Ever get bad feelings about something? Well, that's more real than a 'medium' taking money for telling you that you'll fall in love, have three kids and live happily ever after, but you must remember to avoid a dark B letter :)
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

Steve Jones:
Steven H.:
So, what does this mean? That all psychics are frauds who use certain tricks, or that certain believe that have a power, but are in fact subconciously using techniques.

Some people I believe claim to be psychic and genuinely think they are. However, they are really using observation and cold-reading skills.

For a further demo of a live cold-reading:

Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

And here is how "mediums" do it:


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Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

Well, I had been very skeptical about this supernatural stuff until I met a woman, who revealed some startling facts concerning my infancy - I wasn't aware of them and didn't treat them seriously, my mother confirmed the information, though. Neither me, nor my mother had met her before and she wasn't a fortuneteller - I met her by chance and I laughed at her revelations. Not long, though.

It was just one case, but since that time my attitude has changed a bit. I mean I'm not as ready to call all these people frauds as I used to but I wouldn't go to a fortuneteller, or a healer for help or advice.

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Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

Never actually thought about it seriously though I've had some experience with let's say 'the gifted'. Funny, but the very day I met a woman who was able to fill me in on my childhood memories I stopped thinking of 'the gifted' as weirdos.

btw: have you ever heard about a person using computer software in fortunetelling? A software called 'astronom' or something ...Piotr Kaczor edytował(a) ten post dnia 04.02.08 o godzinie 22:28

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Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

In this "Brave New World" we have given up to the belief that there is no hidden side to things; that that which meets our outer senses and our intellect is all-inclusive.This delusion, however, is only possible on the surface of consciousness, not in the depths. Our feeling-life, our aspirations and desires, do not partake in the illusory belief.In one way or another they will always crave for the hidden side; When it is taken from them, they drive the human being into doubt and bewilderment, even into despair. A way of knowledge which brings the hidden to revelation is apt to overcome all hopelessness, perplexity and despair - in short, all that weakens our life on Earth and incapacitates it from contributing its service to the cosmic whole.

Steven, you are a clairvoyant yourself! On seeing the subject you initiated, I just cried out ;" B...y* hell! How did he know I had
just started reading "The Great Initiates" by Edouard Schure?"
There are more books on Spiritual/Occult Science waiting for me to read to make of myself the instrument of research - research into the supersensible world, of which I have been too ignorant for too long.

Has anybody here read "Science and Parascience" by Brian Inglis?
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

Steve Jones:
It's a "trick". It's a learnable technique, just like magic isn't really magic...

Another word for NLP, eh? ;-)

My mother constantly says that she doesn't know if it's true or not, but that her sister believes in it. She then reels off four or five examples of what my aunt has had foretold that has come true. Myself, I have yet to have my fortune told and have it come true. If it happens, I'll let you know.

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Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

Myself, I have yet to have my fortune told and have it come true. If it happens, I'll let you know.

Aaaaah. I see money exchanging hands .... and disappointment.

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Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

In Keith's aunt's case, and all the others, I'm sure that the hits are recorded and the misses are not. Still, who am I with the relatively small sum of connections in my brain? Not much. Which of our ancestors would have ever dreamed that we could communicated in THIS way, for example?
If you can escape light pollution and it's not cloudy in Warsaw, at 5:31 look 34 degrees above southwest and you'll spot the International Space Station, approaching and then maximum elevation of 41 degrees. It will depart at 12 degrees above southeast. That's orbital flight dynamics, not magic. But if this were 14th 15th 16th century Salem Massachusets, they'd burn my ass at the stake :)

I dunno. Gimme another beer:):):)Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 06.02.08 o godzinie 15:27
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

I was just doing some tarot cards today and something interesting came up:

the King of Pentacles came up after the Tower - this is an interesting combination as a regal card following a card from a lower triad often indicates that some important need of yours hasn't yet been fulfilled today. The urgency of the Tower and its position in the triad would indicate that it is some basic necessity or requirement that you have perhaps been putting off for a small length of time or something that urgently creeps up on you. Often the King of Pentacles reveals a strong physical necessity that will be fulfilled within the next couple of hours or even sooner... ;))

That reading was for free. However, if you would like a more detailed fortune telling, call my phone-in astrology service: 606 060 666. 10 zl per minute plus VAT

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Temat: Mediums, clairvoyants, psychics - do some people have a...

Perfect :)

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