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Can Ethical Behavior Be Taught?

October 22, 2013

Recently, I was speaking to several professional groups about whether and how ethics and professionalism can be taught. The good news is that yes, these subjects can be – the content can be delivered to students through instruction. But, there’s more to consider than simply teaching these concepts. What we should be focusing on is whether ethical and professional training can be learned. And, how can key lessons be sustained after the initial learning?

Issues around the quality of teaching are coming into focus in our school system. We should be scrutinizing our workplace the same way. After all, we’re talking about companies spending billions of dollars every year on a variety of learning initiatives. And, a significant chunk of that money is going toward compliance and related workplace training.

When evaluating the quality of learning and sustainability, the following questions should be considered:

Is the learning engaging? …
What are the most important takeaways? …
How does leadership communicates key lessons? …
Is there a plan to sustain learning? …

Ethical principles can be taught with the right learning method and sustained by having a strong plan in place. The key question, however, is how important is this initiative to the leaders who manage the entire scope of the enterprise? They are the ones ultimately responsible for understanding and conveying this message to their teams in a positive light and investing the resources and commitment needed to build ethical workplaces.

Full text: http://www.workforce.com/blogs/1-the-ethical-workplace...