Temat: No to zaczynamy :-)

-Moment of Freedom
as the prisoner
blinks in the sun
like a mole
from his hole
Anna B.

Anna B. Insurance
underwriting, risk
management, internal

Temat: No to zaczynamy :-)

Enter again the sweet forest
Enter the hot dream, come w/us.
Everything is broken up
& dances

Temat: No to zaczynamy :-)

jakbym wszedł w ten las, chybabym w nim został.

Tak OT: w Amsterdamie, w pobliżu dworca kolejowego był przed laty coffe shop o nazwie The Doors.....
Anna B.

Anna B. Insurance
underwriting, risk
management, internal

Temat: No to zaczynamy :-)

There are images I need to
create my own reality

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What are you doing here?
What do you want?
Is it music?
We can play music.
But you want more.
You want something & someone new.
Am I right?
Of course I am.
I know what you want.
You want ecstasy
Desire & dreams.
Things not exactly what they seem.
I lead you this way, he pulls that way.
I'm not singing to an imaginary girl.
I'm talking to you, my self.
Let's recreate the world.
The palace of conception is burning.
Anna B.

Anna B. Insurance
underwriting, risk
management, internal

Temat: No to zaczynamy :-)


This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end

Temat: No to zaczynamy :-)

This is the end

Of our elaborate plans, the end
Of everything that stands, the end
No safety or surprise, the end
I'll never look into your eyes...again
Anna B.

Anna B. Insurance
underwriting, risk
management, internal

Temat: No to zaczynamy :-)

end of the night...

Temat: No to zaczynamy :-)

and still one place to go
Anna B.

Anna B. Insurance
underwriting, risk
management, internal

Temat: No to zaczynamy :-)

Enter the hot dream...

Temat: No to zaczynamy :-)

..well, I'm tired, I'm nervous, I'm bored..
Anna B.

Anna B. Insurance
underwriting, risk
management, internal

Temat: No to zaczynamy :-)

The Endless quest, a vigil of watchtowers and fortresses against the sea and time. Have they won? Perhaps. They still stand and in, their silent rooms still wander, the souls of the dead, who keep their watch on the living. Soon enough we shall join them. Soon enough we shall walk the walls of time. We shall miss nothing except each other...

Temat: No to zaczynamy :-)

Is everybody in?
Is everybody in?
Is everybody in?
The ceremony is about to begin.
Anna B.

Anna B. Insurance
underwriting, risk
management, internal

Temat: No to zaczynamy :-)

Build me a woman, make her ten feet tall
You gotta build me a woman, make her ten feet tall
Don't make her ugly, don't make her...oh, small...

Temat: No to zaczynamy :-)

Build me a woman, make her ten feet tall
Don't make her ugly, don't make her small
Build me someone I can ball all...night long
Dariusz N.

Dariusz N. student, redaktor

Temat: No to zaczynamy :-)

OK, my friend this is the END! :)

Ileż można... ;)

do tematu: jeden z ciekawszych motywów gitarowych moim zdaniem jest w Runnin' Blue na mocno skrytykowanej płycie The Soft Parade.

Temat: No to zaczynamy :-)

I am the Lizard King, I can do anything
Anna B.

Anna B. Insurance
underwriting, risk
management, internal

Temat: No to zaczynamy :-)

People are strange when you're a stranger

Następna dyskusja:

Gaz łupkowy - zaczynamy

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