Piotr F.

Piotr F. Bank Pekao S.A.

Temat: OBSTACLES (DK) w Polsce 9-12.08.2010

Refuse Records zaprasza na koncerty:

(Kopenhaga, Dania)

W POLSCE 9-12.08.2010

Obstacles grew out of the D.I.Y. culture and finds its inspiration and energy in the principles of integrity and immediacy derived from this movement. The band is driven by an urge to create relevant music, to transcend the triviality of our times uniform culture and to protest its monolithic aesthetics (feat. ex-members of CHILDREN OF FALL).
http://www.obstacles.dk http://www.myspace.com/obstaclesband

Obstacles wystąpią:

9.08. Szczytno, Pompa + CONFRONTO (Bra), RED CARS BURNS (I)
10.08. Piła, tba
11.08. Warszawa, Eufemia
12.08. Łódź, Jazzga

