Hubert L.

Hubert L. Technology Transfer
Manager at

Temat: Portret Naukowca: Going Back to a Changing Poland

Science Careers publikuje artykuł "Going Back to a Changing Poland" nt. polskiej badaczki dr Agnieszki Chacińskiej wracającej do Polski z Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology w Freiburgu (Niemcy). W ub. roku otrzymała ona z FNP grant w ramach II edycji programu WELCOME. Wyróżniony projekt dr hab. Agnieszki Chacińskiej pt. Biogenesis and turnover of mitochondrial intermembrane space proteins jest realizowany w Międzynarodowym Instytucie Biologii Molekularnej i Komórkowej w Warszawie.

"When molecular biologist Agnieszka Chacinska left her native Poland in 2001 to take a postdoc, she had a dream of returning some day to set up a lab -- but she wanted to do it in conditions comparable to what scientists experience in wealthier countries. As she built a small research group in Germany a few years later, she retained her faith that eventually she would be able to return home without compromising her science."

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