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Temat: Who Are You?

Tell a little about yourself according to this Mayan material. We are borrowing it from another forum; it's fun. :)

Navigate to "Metryka" in the menu bar at the top of the page.


What is your KIN? What is your Genesis? What is your Castle? What is your Planet?

...what is your Goal?

(should Joj leave the tequila alone)? :)Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.12.08 o godzinie 02:48
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Who Are You?

I am the Electric Blue Hand.

This should serve as a warning to the ladies, who might be in for a shock...
Magdalena K.

Magdalena K. Export Brand
Manager, Jutrzenka
Colian Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Who Are You?

Do you know how to interpret all that?

Btw - I'm the Polar White Mirror and my planet is Neptune. Is this good or bad? :)
Ania S.

Ania S. Fotografia i

Temat: Who Are You?

My KIN is 128: I'm Yellow Spectral Star, my planet is Venus :)

nice to meet you ;)
Tatiana Z.

Tatiana Z. CAO @ Kontomatik

Temat: Who Are You?

I'm the White Spectral Link.
South Yellow Castle of Bloom conducting the Yellow Autonomous Sun... (Oh my goodness)... and my planet is Mars.Tatiana Z. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.12.08 o godzinie 09:44
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Who Are You?

Magdalena Karbowska:
Do you know how to interpret all that?
Yes, I do.

It's called "a load of old bollocks"

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Temat: Who Are You?

I'm a blue, christian monkey, full of emotions and living by the power of love.

Magdalena K.

Magdalena K. Export Brand
Manager, Jutrzenka
Colian Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Who Are You?

Steve Jones:
Magdalena Karbowska:
Do you know how to interpret all that?
Yes, I do.

It's called "a load of old bollocks"

I'm a bit disappointed. I thought this would help me to learn something more bout myslelf :D

Temat: Who Are You?

Jarek A.:
I'm a blue, christian monkey, full of emotions and living by the power of love.


OK, so which pic shows your haircut and which one shows your headgear?

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Temat: Who Are You?

Seriuosly, your question is way too personal.

Temat: Who Are You?

Sorry... I didn't realise the Scout Master threw you out after receiving the true answer :P.

Won't happen again. I promise to stick to questions about your sex life and won't ask about anything private :D.

PS What is it about you, J, that you can always make me smile? :D

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Temat: Who Are You?

Maybe it's my charm?

Maybe it's Maybeline?

Ah haf no idea.

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Temat: Who Are You?

Yellow Magnetic Seed

I'm trippin' balls here, dunno what's that thing about but it sounds so fucking cool...

Ok, it sounds lame.

Why can't I be an Electric Fist of the North Star or That Fire Breathing Crazy Bad-ass Red Monkey? Seriously... a seed? WTF? :(
Aleksandra P.

Aleksandra P. Specjalista HR

Temat: Who Are You?

Jarek A.:
I'm a blue, christian monkey, full of emotions and living by the power of love.
I am a Blue Solar Monkey.

Now I know what I should be wearing for New Year's Eve party. No black dress, no silver stilettos; a blue tail and a banana will do. What a relief. Thank you, Joj! You saved me a lot of money.Aleksandra P. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.12.08 o godzinie 21:13
Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska

Magdalena Natalia Wiśniowska Recruitment Manager
at Amazon Web

Temat: Who Are You?

Michał G.:
Yellow Magnetic Seed

I'm trippin' balls here, dunno what's that thing about but it sounds so fucking cool...

Ok, it sounds lame.

Why can't I be an Electric Fist of the North Star or That Fire Breathing Crazy Bad-ass Red Monkey? Seriously... a seed? WTF? :(

yeah, same frustration here.

Joj! put the bottle down! now!

Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Who Are You?

KIN 141
Czerwony Spektralny Smok
Dude, it sounds gr8.


That hieroglyph-like graph is even more tough when it is in Polish.
You'll never know who I am, sorry to disappoint you.

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Temat: Who Are You?

I'm a blue magnetic eagle :)

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Temat: Who Are You?

Guy C.:
I'm a blue magnetic eagle :)
Obviously :)))

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Temat: Who Are You?

KIN 141 - Red Spectral Dragon

Genesis - I am an emotional monkey

Castle - Blue Western Castle transformation, led by a lonely yellow star.

The wave - The blue monkey wave, the power of lightness

Planet - Neptune, the power of trust.

Goal - Today I am dropping all the weight which for years I've been carrying on my shoulders. My intuition will guide me to my starting point. My body will become the horse pulling my ego. Today I will neutralize what I haven't been able to neutralize in the past. My belief in success will help me prevail during the hard times.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Who Are You?

Thanks for the translation, Rafał.
But hey?!!

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