Temat: Palikot phenomenon

What do you think?
Should PO get rid of him or not?
Maciej J.

Maciej J. Konsultant

Temat: Palikot phenomenon

It doesn’t matter what we think. Palikot says what he is told to say, if PO needs a smoke screen to cover up their lack of reaction to the gas crisis, they'll send their best man to do it.

He is controversial and I'm not a big fan of such performances, but the truth is that every party has its, how shall I put it, 'pit-bull' or 'joker card' to get out there and cause some havoc when needed.

They’ll never get rid of him, they might criticize him, suspend him, even throw him out – but sooner or later they’ll accept him back in – just like the Joker said it; ‘It’s all part of the plan’ ;PMaciej J. edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.01.09 o godzinie 10:45

Temat: Palikot phenomenon

So you think it's somebody else's ideas he's expressing?

I don't really follow our Polish politics but have just stumbled on the prostitution thing from Palikot recently. Is he mental?

Temat: Palikot phenomenon

Maciej J.:
They’ll never get rid of him, they might criticize him, suspend him, even throw him out – but sooner or later they’ll accept him back in – just like the Joker said it; ‘It’s all part of the plan’ ;P
the Kurski case was similar, wasn't it?

your opinion looks like a conspiracy theory to me:P
Maciej J.

Maciej J. Konsultant

Temat: Palikot phenomenon

yeah, sure, conspiracy theory - right :P

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Temat: Palikot phenomenon

Where's my copy of "The catcher in the rye"?

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Temat: Palikot phenomenon

Jarek A.:
Where's my copy of "The catcher in the rye"?

hahahahahahahahahahahahaha... you know, I never buy books with a credit card... just something that I refuse to do.

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Temat: Palikot phenomenon

Come to think of it, neither do I. Never have. Ever.
Maria B.

Maria B. Niczego nie wiedzą,
niczego nie potrafią
znaleźć, bo ich ...

Temat: Palikot phenomenon

I know him personally. He is not the type of person who can be told what to say. Believe me.

OTH - just show me one his quote where he was not right.

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Temat: Palikot phenomenon

Jarek A.:
Come to think of it, neither do I. Never have.

FBI collects information on what books you read and buy, which really does not sit well with me. I feel that what I feed my mind with is an extremely personal thing and it sickens me to know that it’s being monitored. Libraries and Bookstores alike are pretty much the sleeping cells of the FBI. In other countries, corporate entities also sell intellectual information to gov’t operatives (ie. Yahoo selling names of Chinese political writers to the Chinese gov't thus putting them in prison). So yea… fuck a bunch of that haha..
There are some that stand up to this obvious abuse of power, but they are few and they usually make the news, like this lady for example, my personal hero:





1984 is not just a book in this country.


FBI collects information on what books you read and buy, which really does not sit well with me. I feel that what I feed my mind with is an extremely personal thing and it sickens me to know that it’s being monitored. Libraries and Bookstores alike are pretty much the sleeping cells of the FBI. In other countries, corporate entities also sell intellectual information to gov’t operatives (ie. Yahoo selling names of Chinese political writers to the Chinese gov't thus putting them in prison). So yea… fuck a bunch of that haha..
There are some that stand up to this obvious abuse of power, but they are few and they usually make the news, like this lady for example, my personal hero:





1984 is not just a book in this country.


Thing is, it’s nothing new it was first started during the McArthur’s witch hunts and enforced by J. Edgar Hoover.

This is the Yahoo story:


This is why I boycott anything Yahoo related...Rafal W. edytował(a) ten post dnia 13.01.09 o godzinie 14:14
Maciej J.

Maciej J. Konsultant

Temat: Palikot phenomenon

Gosh you guys, are you really that naive?!?

I'm not saying, he was told what to say literally, but he was definitely invited to have one of his performances again :)

Coooome on guys, this is politics, its all about your votes - it always will be!
Kari W.

Kari W. education

Temat: Palikot phenomenon

Rafal W.:
Jarek A.:
Where's my copy of "The catcher in the rye"?

hahahahahahahahahahahahaha... you know, I never buy books with a credit card... just something that I refuse to do.

BTW, hon, we should order those dictionaries!

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Temat: Palikot phenomenon

Lidia K.:

If she in fact is guilty of what he’s accusing her of, then more power to him; although it’s hardly professional. As Maciej rightfully points it out – it is a politically charged move… at the end of the day politics is their bread and butter.

As much as I’d hate to bring up religious parallels – he did cast the first stone. It reminds me however of a case that took place in NY State not too long ago where Eliot Spitzer – the man who can do no wrong! The most upstanding of all political figures of our life time, the man who nearly single-handedly got rid of huge prostitute rings… was simply getting rid of competition. He turned out to be the main pimp in charge running a high priced prostitution ring himself.



eh… politicians… remember folks – we pay these people.

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Temat: Palikot phenomenon

Kari Wolk:
BTW, hon, we should order those dictionaries!

oh yea.. the price of edumication these days...
Maria B.

Maria B. Niczego nie wiedzą,
niczego nie potrafią
znaleźć, bo ich ...

Temat: Palikot phenomenon

Maciej J.:
Gosh you guys, are you really that naive?!?

I'm not saying, he was told what to say literally, but he was definitely invited to have one of his performances again :)

Coooome on guys, this is politics, its all about your votes - it always will be!
Seems that you are naive. Or watched too many movies. Politics is completely different. Much more sophisticated.
Maciej J.

Maciej J. Konsultant

Temat: Palikot phenomenon

Right, Maria, your right.

I'm the naive one - I'll just believe that he went out there and had his performance in spite of his party members. He just felt like he needed to go ahead and insult a peer on TV in the most controversial way he could, that raised a lot of attention.

That’s really sophisticated, for a man of his caliber it’s really the best he could do…

No rly, ur right… -_-

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Temat: Palikot phenomenon

I'm fokin' tired of both him and Jacek Kurski, Joanna Senyszyn, Nelly Rokita - a bunch of the most annoying morron clown puppets that have emerged on the political scene in the recent years.

Let them offend whoever they want, run their blogs on whatever they want, seek for whoever's Wehrmacht grandpas, wear white socks with high heels, provided they stop make a living from the public money. At least Palikot with his numerous businesses doesn't seem to need this kind of financing :P

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Temat: Palikot phenomenon

The mere fact that other politicians behave like morons doesn't allow Palikot to try and beat them in that. He is an embarassment to the entire PO and I really cannot see why they keep (or used to keep, as something will hopefully change now) protecting him. On a side note, some people who know him personally claim him to be an intelligent, nice guy. So it must be the "showman complex" he has. Unfortunately. :(

Oh, and the mere fact that you are paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out there to get you. ;)

Temat: Palikot phenomenon

He's realy smart and inteligent guy from Lublin, he has Ph.D in philosophy and plenty of money so I don't think he's the type of person who can be told what to say. He's got big distance to polistics and to himself. As for his last words I think he got nervous and went to far, that's all.

I don't see him as a ordinary polish politician.

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Temat: Palikot phenomenon

Marek S.:
he has Ph.D in philosophy

I'm surprised to hear that. He is often said to have started pursuing an academic career but quit it for business:

Następna dyskusja:

Janusz Palikot na AE!!!

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