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Temat: Fuck more, work less:

Fuck more, work less:


What do you reckon?

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Temat: Fuck more, work less:

Japan's workers are being urged to switch off their laptops, go home early and use what little energy they have left on procreation, in the country's latest attempt to avert demographic disaster.

The drive to persuade employers that their staff would be better off at home with their wives than staying late at the office comes amid warnings from health experts that many couples are simply too tired to have sex.

A recent survey of married couples under 50 found that more than a third had not had sex in the previous month.

Many couples said they didn't have the energy for sex, while others said they found it boring.

Who doesn't have the energy for sex and finds it boring?warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.11.08 o godzinie 00:57
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: Fuck more, work less:

During the first year of a relationship, if you put a penny in a jar every time you make love, and after the first year, take a penny out every time, the jar will never be empty, no matter how long you're together.Jon M. edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.11.08 o godzinie 02:07

Temat: Fuck more, work less:

Can those who don't fuck also not work, please?
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Fuck more, work less:

Jon M.:
During the first year of a relationship, if you put a penny in a jar every time you make love, and after the first year, take a penny out every time, the jar will never be empty, no matter how long you're together.Jon M. edytował(a) ten post dnia 29.11.08 o godzinie 02:07

Probably true... Not a great advert for long-term relationships, though, is it?

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Temat: Fuck more, work less:

Steve Jones:
Jon M.:
During the first year of a relationship, if you put a penny in a jar every time you make love, and after the first year, take a penny out every time, the jar will never be empty, no matter how long you're together.
Probably true... Not a great advert for long-term relationships, though, is it?

Speak for yourself, Steve.

konto usunięte

Temat: Fuck more, work less:

I'd say there might be a grain of truth in the jar story, but it depends on the couple. It's true though, that too much work and excessive stress over a long time make both men and women indifferent to sex.

konto usunięte

Temat: Fuck more, work less:

I work seven days a week and still find time for streetracing, boozing, opera, clubbing, books and sex. Maybe the point is that... well... we should change partners more often.

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Temat: Fuck more, work less:

Get kids and we'll talk

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Temat: Fuck more, work less:

warren whitmore:
Fuck more, work less:

That's a serious measure for the low brithrates, they have in Japan. Wouldn't expect them Eastern Asians to limit working hours in favour of family life. Still it's a great number, if true - 30 milion people less by 2050. Good idea overall.

The sex-to-work (or work-to-sex?) ratio would be different for everyone, as would be the optimal rate. Key is to keep balanced both. Too much stress at work could make you temporarily impotent, however I know of people, who tend to be more sexually active after being exposed to high levels of pressure.

I'm judging by myself there is no visible relation between long workhours and an amount of bed activity afterwards. In men it just sort of clicks, when the time comes.

But I'm backing up the above idea wholehearteadly. I don't reckon fucking as form of aerobics though. Changing partners like socks is just so not-trendy these days anymore!

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Temat: Fuck more, work less:

Andrzej Dobrucki:
warren whitmore:
Fuck more, work less:

That's a serious measure for the low brithrates, they have in Japan. Wouldn't expect them Eastern Asians to limit working hours in favour of family life. Still it's a great number, if true - 30 milion people less by 2050. Good idea overall.

That's a bold and wicked plan to solve the problem of aging society, bravo for Japan ! Other countries are trying to lure more immigrants in to increase the size of a working population ( and retirement pension sponsors) with difficult and costly migration programmes , that are littered with problems.... and here we have a bloody simple solution : fuck more, please, do it for the country !!

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Temat: Fuck more, work less:

Fuck more, just for the fuck of it.
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Fuck more, work less:

Jarek A.:
Fuck more, just for the fuck of it.

I have to totally agree with this here statment above.


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Temat: Fuck more, work less:

Who exactly should we fuck? And what if the target doesn't give a fuck about fucking? Is she/he fucked up? Should we really fuckin' care or just fuck it?

konto usunięte

Temat: Fuck more, work less:

Go fuck yourself.

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Temat: Fuck more, work less:

Don't fuck with me, fucker.

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Temat: Fuck more, work less:

to all of you

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Temat: Fuck more, work less:

That was a seriously inspired contribution, Jarek.

konto usunięte

Temat: Fuck more, work less:

I was expecting the Monty Python skit on the word "fuck" to tell you the truth.

Temat: Fuck more, work less:

If you want to fuck for funny,
Fuck yourself, and save your money.

Następna dyskusja:

Fuck it!

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