Temat: Doing things for free

Looking at the GL groups where some people are quite helpful...

Being a nice person, do you do things that you're specialist in for free?
When do you decide that you're going to do it?
Who are the people you're willing to help?
Have you received any high skilled (not not so skilled) service for free?
Do you think people's eagerness to help in your environment has changed over the years?

Can things that are free be equally good???

Edit: it's not a Y/N interview, just a springboard for discussion :)Lidia K. edytował(a) ten post dnia 31.12.08 o godzinie 10:17
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Doing things for free

Lidia K.:
Looking at the GL groups where some people are quite helpful...

Being a nice person, do you do things that you're specialist in for free?

I try not to.
When do you decide that you're going to do it?
Who are the people you're willing to help?

When my family member asks. (Not only the closest family.)
Have you received any high skilled (not not so skilled) service for free?

Do you think people's eagerness to help in your environment has changed over the years?

I didn't think about it.
Can things that are free be equally good???

In most of the cases, no.
Edit: it's not a Y/N interview, just a springboard for discussion

Argh, sorry ;D

Temat: Doing things for free

Rafał D.:
My opinion is that IT people (incl. programmers) are a special group that is often pressurized to do something that others believe is nothing special for them, i.e. computer related assistance. But it's extremely time consuming, for example. It must be hard as nearly everybody has problems with computers/software, so having a geek friend is so handy;)
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Doing things for free

I've noticed that the number of problem solving requests has drastically decreased. I don't know if it's me or Windows XP SP2 ;)

Actually, after bit more thinking, I'm not a speciallist in "solving computer problems" yet I answered the questions like I was. That's interesting because one of IT specialists, like programmers, problem is that people think that they simply do "those computer things". Now it seems I think the same.

I'd also point doctors and lawyers as those frequently asked for help or advice.Rafał D. edytował(a) ten post dnia 31.12.08 o godzinie 10:57
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Doing things for free

Lidia K.:
Looking at the GL groups where some people are quite helpful...

Being a nice person, do you do things that you're specialist in for free?
Yes, delightfully. I have over 8K posts in one of the web forums specialized in music production, and at least half of it is 1-sided experience/knowledge transfer.
When do you decide that you're going to do it?
You don't "decide", you just do it. When you "decide" it doesn't sound like it is sincere, to me.
Who are the people you're willing to help?
Anyone with enough decency, enough skills to explain him/herself verbally and anyone who is able to understand what he/she reads. I usually help through/using internet and web forums, that's why writing and reading is vastly important.
I like teaching, but there's not much room to pass on the knowledge by inviting people and explaining things in my profession.
I did many presentations (in the shape of making people listen to some audio productions and explaining what's the purpose of them, etc), but "helping others" is not easy for time and space limitations.
Have you received any high skilled (not not so skilled) service for free?
Well, in this time and age, I don't know anyone who haven't seen free tutorials in the web. So my answer is yes, I received many "service" in the shape of training/experience/knowledge for free.
It might have a marketing purpose behind it, to promote their services, but "free" is free most of the times.
Do you think people's eagerness to help in your environment has changed over the years?
I can't evaluate that. Maybe means of helping has changed, but I don't know what do you mean by "years" and "people's eagerness". People (or human) don't change their attitude in a life time of a single man/woman, so I can't compare it, probably.
Can things that are free be equally good???
Sometimes we need to double-check some stuff though... and that's the only tricky thing about the internet. There are a lot of false info comin' our way too.
Edit: it's not a Y/N interview, just a springboard for discussion
Got it. :)

Temat: Doing things for free

Rafał D.:
thanks. Rafał:)
problem is that people think that they simply do "those computer things". Now it seems I think the same.
I'd also point doctors and lawyers as those frequently asked for help or advice.
yes, actually the GL group that inspired me to start this topic was a legal advice one

konto usunięte

Temat: Doing things for free

Lidia K.:
My opinion is that IT people (incl. programmers) are a special group that is often pressurized to do something that others believe is nothing special for them, i.e. computer related assistance.
hmm, I think I sort of see where this is going
But it's extremely time consuming, for example.
Not always Lidz, when the geek you ask for help is actually a geek and not a geek-wannabe, who's only advice/solution is format c:
It must be hard as nearly everybody has problems with computers/software, so having a geek friend is so handy;)
I think it is.

And to answer your original q's:
Being a nice person, do you do things that you're specialist in for free?
In my case it doesn't have anything to do with my being nice. I do help if I can, as in if I have time to spare and think that they really need my help. You don't shoot a fly with a cannon, do you?
When do you decide that you're going to do it?
On the spot. It's a simple yes/no decision.
Who are the people you're willing to help?
Those who are not afraid/ashamed to ask for help and don't risk choking to death while to trying to say "thank you".
Have you received any high skilled (not not so skilled) service for free?
Can't think of anything now, so I guess I haven't.
Do you think people's eagerness to help in your environment has changed over the years?
Haven't noticed, but haven't been paying any attention either.
Can things that are free be equally good???
Yes, depending on the service provider.

Temat: Doing things for free

Jarek A.:
Not always Lidz, when the geek you ask for help is actually a geek and not a geek-wannabe, who's only advice/solution is format c:
yes, but who am I to tell which is which?
some are good at pretending
plus it's always that the next one criticizes the work of the one before, gaah

konto usunięte

Temat: Doing things for free

Lidia K.:
yes, but who am I to tell which is which?
some are good at pretending
"Ma'am, the situation is critical, the patient's odds of surviving the procedure are slim, 30/70 at most."

Doesn't say a word, listens to White and nerdy by Weird Al Yankovich on his fake, chinese iPod and simply gets the work done.
plus it's always that the next one criticizes the work of the one before, gaah
read up, but...

spot on nevertheless :))

konto usunięte

Temat: Doing things for free

Lidia K.:
Looking at the GL groups where some people are quite helpful...

Being a nice person, do you do things that you're specialist in for free?

Sometimes I feel used just because of few my skills. I do not expect anything in return but it would be nice if I had an open gate to ask for something in future. My 'kind requests' are not taken from the space and do not exceed certain person abilities.
When do you decide that you're going to do it?

When I see that there is no one to help and it doesn't eat much of my time or money. Or when the person that needs support is one of my close relatives or friends.

Who are the people you're willing to help?

Those who really need help, who can not afford to received it for money, who are kind and do not make use of other people.
Have you received any high skilled (not not so skilled) service for free?

Yes. Something, that I couldn't do on my own. I really appreciate that person's effort and commitement.
Do you think people's eagerness to help in your environment has changed over the years?

I guess so. There are a lot of announcements where audience, readers and so on, are asked to offer financial support. Everybody likes to know the real purpose of money spent on charity. Since there are many raising funds it is hard to follow progress of their actions.

Anyway, while you are sure that you won't get fulled, I guess, almost everybody tend to put a coin in a porcelain pig of charity :))

Can things that are free be equally good???

Yes. It depends on the people offering these services and their benefitiens.
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Doing things for free

I often decide to help because it's simply the most rational despite I don't really want to help. In the meaning that it will take me let's say 10% of the time needed by the person who is asking. But not for strangers of course, at work or within the family.

konto usunięte

Temat: Doing things for free

How often do you do something that you do not like? How hard is to refuse? Where are the limitations of free-of-charge help?

konto usunięte

Temat: Doing things for free

Lidia K.:
Looking at the GL groups where some people are quite helpful...

Being a nice person, do you do things that you're specialist in for free?

All the time, from event organizing, charity work, playing music, event/sound set up, courtroom translations, translations etc etc...

When do you decide that you're going to do it?

I will have to agree with Ilter. I don't decide, I enjoy it, I do it because I can.
Who are the people you're willing to help?

Those who need help, pretty much anyone at anytime; If I am available then why not?
Have you received any high skilled (not not so skilled) service for free?

Yes, on several occasions.
Do you think people's eagerness to help in your environment has changed over the years?

People tend to get jaded, for the most part when you do things for free all the time you end up craving some sort of gratification. To me personally, gratification comes with a job well done and a satisfaction of knowing that I've helped someone or that I've made an impact; however insignificant it may be.

Can things that are free be equally good???

Speaking from my own personal experience, things that are free are usually much better than those that we pay for. Just because someone decided to attach a certain value to a service or an object does not necessarily make that more desirable or higher quality, often quite the contrary.

konto usunięte

Temat: Doing things for free

Magdalena C.:
How often do you do something that you do not

Five days a week between 8AM and 4PM.
How hard is to refuse?

Refusal is not an option.
Where are the limitations of free-of-charge help?

There shouldn’t be any; this place [meaning our planet] would have been such an awesome place to live on if people would stop playing themselves.

I think the absolute pits of it all is the stock market where we put value to non existing and completely abstract ideas.
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Doing things for free

Rafal, you are so... GNU... ;)

BTW, my opinion is generally the opposite ;) (We should switch continents ;) ).Rafał D. edytował(a) ten post dnia 31.12.08 o godzinie 14:15

konto usunięte

Temat: Doing things for free

Rafal W.:
Five days a week between 8AM and 4PM.

Don't you like jour job? Anyway, not everybody enjoys it. The best thing is to work with pleasure.
Refusal is not an option.

If it gives you monthly income, hard to say 'no' ;)
There shouldn’t be any; this place [meaning our planet] would have been such an awesome place to live on if people would stop playing themselves.

Under condition that there is mutual will to help and cooperate. It is really hard to play Jesus.

I think the absolute pits of it all is the stock market where we put value to non existing and completely abstract ideas.

....and it often brings some people to ruin.

konto usunięte

Temat: Doing things for free

Rafał D.:
Rafal, you are so... GNU... ;)

GNU? Like Linux you mean? hahahaha

BTW, my opinion is generally the opposite ;) (We should switch continents ;)

haha... well, I'm doing my part hahahaha...
Łukasz G.

Łukasz G. Senior Technical
Sales Manager w
Tripleplay Ltd.

Temat: Doing things for free

Oh, Subject of this message is about me, bloody looser ;)

konto usunięte

Temat: Doing things for free

Magdalena C.:
Rafal W.:
Five days a week between 8AM and 4PM.

Don't you like jour job?

I hate math and I crunch numbers all day long haha...
Anyway, not everybody enjoys it. The best thing is to work with pleasure.

The best thing is working for yourself.

If it gives you monthly income, hard to say 'no' ;)

It feeds my family and it puts a roof over my head.

Under condition that there is mutual will to help > and cooperate. It is really hard to play Jesus.

Nobody should be playing anyone... especially Jesus [one George Bush is enough, let's leave God conversations to him].

Giving and helping should be something natural... unfortunately most people would call that being a leftist haha... charity work is awesome and it's so very rewarding. There are a lot of things that I could not put a price on; my logic may be a bit different however. I for one have issues charging people for dance events... how much would you charge for few hours of happiness? Or better yet, how much would you charge for a smile?

....and it often brings some people to ruin.

More often than not.
Rafał D.

Rafał D. Head of Production,
Locon Sp. z o.o.

Temat: Doing things for free

Egoism is natural ;)

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things that are free




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