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Temat: Honda CX 500

Mam pytanie co myślicie o tej maszynie była produkowana od 1978-1985 więc jest stara jestem ciekaw czy ktoś się zetknął z tą maszyną i jakie jest jego zdanie mam okazję kupić ciekawy egzemplarz z roku 78 z małym przebiegiem 50000km za ok 3000zł
fajne moto silnik V2 chłodzony cieczą napęd wałem kardana ok 50km motocykle bardzo trwałe i żywotne (wg. ogólnych opinii) ale szukam kogoś kto użytkował tę maszynę i jakie jest jego zdanie

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Temat: Honda CX 500

W poprzednim lub ze 2 numery Motocykla temu był jej szczegółowy opis - mówi się o niej jako tej "niezniszczalnej" :o)

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Temat: Honda CX 500

Wiem wiem bardzo ciekawy artykuł czytałem tylko szukam użytkownika który jeździł na tym moto co innego artykuł a co innego info od użytkownika.

Temat: Honda CX 500

nks for sharing the article, and more importantly, your personal experience mindfully using our emotions as data about our inner state and know https://kodi.software/ ing when it’s better to de-escalate by taking a time out are great tools. Appreciate you reading and sharing your story since I can certainly relate and I think others can to

Temat: Honda CX 500

Almost immediately upon its release the Honda CX500 was derided and ridiculed, the nicknames were rarely kind and with prices reduced they became the go-to motorcycle for two-wheeled couriers. But with an engine designed by legend of motorsport Shoichiro Irimajiri, it’s clear that a new generation of custom builders have seen the Honda in an all-new light. What isn’t known to many is that in some markets Honda released a sport version of the bike, vastly improved, but it was too little too late. Now 40 years on, utilising their motorsport experience, Bulgarian builders Tossa R have released their own take on the CX500, giving it the full sportsbike treatment.

LiteBlue USPS
Ten post został edytowany przez Autora dnia 25.02.22 o godzinie 06:28

Temat: Honda CX 500

I using this Honda CX 500 sense ten years. I Like his engine. it still healthy.
The Honda CX500 engine was a four-stroke, longitudinal 80° V-twin, OHV, 4 valves per cylinder which were operated by simple pushrods. The intention behind this was to keep the engine design simple yet effective, maintaining Honda's reputation for reliability; further to which it was also compact.
One CognizantTen post został edytowany przez Autora dnia 11.04.22 o godzinie 06:07

Temat: Honda CX 500

NCO-0063 APPLICATION: HONDA CX 400 1982-1984 HONDA CX 500 CX500 1982-1983 HONDA CX 500 C…

Temat: Honda CX 500

This is a poor mans cafe job. I'd avoid it unless you can haggle him down to make it worth it to go back to stock. Looks like he grabbed some club bars, wrapped the exhaust, and tried to cut down the foam on the original seat. The good news is it should be easy to get back to stock. It doesn't even look like he bothered replacing the cables with the new bars, they're just bunched up.


Temat: Honda CX 500

Thank you for helping people get the information they need. Great stuff as usual. Keep up the great work!!!
SurgeCardInfoTen post został edytowany przez Autora dnia 15.06.22 o godzinie 05:50

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Honda cb 500

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