Temat: Help for living in Praga

Czesc, Can somebody tell me how much money do u need for living in Praga, per month? Dziekuje bardzo.

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Temat: Help for living in Praga


Temat: Help for living in Praga

I mean, I think this is forum about Praga. The question is that i received an offer for working in Praga. I want to know if its possible to live in Praga with about 650 euros per month. Thanks.

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Temat: Help for living in Praga


Praga in Czech Republic or Praga in Warsaw (Poland) ?

If we are talking about that second... it will be good to know something about your expectations (apartment, how many persons, etc)?

Temat: Help for living in Praga

Ah, ok, I think i was wrong. I guess this is a forum about praga (warsaw). I was talking about Praga in Czech Rep.

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Temat: Help for living in Praga

Alexandre, the right place to ask about :)


http://www.goldenline.pl/forum/czechy/273600magda U. edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.11.08 o godzinie 12:03

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