Bart T.

Bart T. Managing Member,
Executive, MBA, PhD,
Fulbright Scholar

Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

What motivates people most at work is...

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Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

in PL ?
for people after 40, is money, money, money and one more time ... $$$
for the "young wolves" this is passion and chance to get an extra experience
for me is also freedom (work is freedom) :)
Bart T.

Bart T. Managing Member,
Executive, MBA, PhD,
Fulbright Scholar

Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

hmmm, but if you make good money, say, 12000PLN/a month... will making one more 1000PLN really motivate you? To me, the best motivator is RECOGNITION! To prove that, start IGNORING one of your best-paid emploee and you'll see what you get:) Cheers.
Katarzyna N.

Katarzyna N. Edukator Pozytywnej

Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

I agree: recognition and good atmosphere. Money is important, but is not everything.
Marcin Bacia

Marcin Bacia ...-BraveMind-...

Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

P.Drucker said that money is like oxygen for companies (in this case people). Its natural, but It shouldn't be a goal.

Simple: when we are lack of oxygen, then it could be our main aim, and our motivation.
In other case, we are looking for higher aims like: recognition, chanse to do something meaningfull, salfdevelopment, chance to learn something new, chalenges,and stuff like this. It all depends who we are.
Bart T.

Bart T. Managing Member,
Executive, MBA, PhD,
Fulbright Scholar

Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

Dosh is like O2 for companies...that's true for SOME. Money is NEVER the BEST motivator, again, for most of the people even those doing the low-wages jobs...

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Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

Hey, I really agree with what you guys BOTH state. It's really important to have enough money to fill one's needs. When situation goes below zero, cash seems to appear as THE subject. None of us think (I suppose) of it as the best motivator.
When one go beyond the critical line of basic needs, other motivators go stronger.

I would argue that it happens in MOST situations, not ALL.

For really successfull people, achievements, power, relationships do take the top of "what-makes-me-work-and-live-list". Of course, businessmen fall into this category...
Marcin Bacia

Marcin Bacia ...-BraveMind-...

Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

I would argue that it happens in MOST situations, not ALL.
For really successfull people, achievements, power, relationships do take the top of "what-makes-me-work-and-live-list". Of course, businessmen fall into this category...

Well, I think that specialy for a beginners money is most important. When you are at the beginnig of career simply you must cover your basic needs - that is the critical line. Main motivator could be for instance "new knowledge", but if you aren't able to fulfill your basic neads, new knowledge is fading away... I must say, that in Poland, first stage is very very long... Dont you think?
Afrer all that the fun part is comming :)

That is interesting, connection between life and career stage and money as an motivator.

And something little off topic. That GROUP is content-related and that is an big advantage for me. There aren't silly and usefull czats in here, just tolking at good level ... ;) Greatings to "owner"

Marcin Bacia edytował(a) ten post dnia 18.09.06 o godzinie 15:40
Jacek Ołowiak

Jacek Ołowiak kierownik zespołu IT

Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

Marcin B.:P.Drucker said that money is like oxygen for companies (in this case people). Its natural, but It shouldn't be a goal.

Simple: when we are lack of oxygen, then it could be our main aim, and our motivation.

i'm a medical rescuer and i know that i can give oxygen to my victim only for 10 minutes - after that the oxygen is bad for body and health.
people needs air for living - not only oxygen- and in air you have many other gasses. :)
Bartłomiej K.

Bartłomiej K. Koordynator
Projektów UE

Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

It's obvious I guess... if You earn 10000 then 12000 makes no difference. But most people in our country earn 1200 (brutto of course ;-). an THEN even 200 makes a big difference...
Marcin Bacia

Marcin Bacia ...-BraveMind-...

Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

i'm a medical rescuer and i know that i can give oxygen to my victim only for 10 minutes - after that the oxygen is bad for body and health. People needs air for living - not only oxygen- and in air you have many other gasses. :)

You knew what I ment. It wosn't literaly "oxygen".
This kind of talking dont bring enything new to our disscusion :)
Jacek Sysak

Jacek Sysak HR Manager / Talent
Development Manager

Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

Alfie Kohn (American psychologist) said: "Pay your worker adequate and than make he could forget that he works for money"
Mariusz Matlakiewicz

Mariusz Matlakiewicz Senior Project
Manager, Program
Manager, PMP®,

Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

In my opinion that depends. We all are quite different and we have completely different motivational systems, so for one man that always will money, for other possibility to help other people and for other again a possibility to do some tasks in their own perfect way. I think that attempt to find one thing which motivates all people is impossible.

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Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

I agree that money is a high motivator to the moment when as Jacek mentioned emploee is paid adequate. Crossing that line and your system of values changes completely. It is time when a good boss should observe his emploee, for it is not simple to state what will be next good motivator for a person.
Recognition of cours, who don't react positively for that. But is it all?
Damian Borkowski

Damian Borkowski SmartWays - We
deliver better HR

Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

Mariusz M.:In my opinion that depends. We all are quite different and we have completely different motivational systems, so for one man that always will money, for other possibility to help other people and for other again a possibility to do some tasks in their own perfect way. I think that attempt to find one thing which motivates all people is impossible.


And I think that challenge realises our motivation. if you are not challenged you don't have to put any effort (be motivated).
Jacek Wysoczynski

Jacek Wysoczynski Program Manager,

Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

Hmmm, we talk so much about money. And there is one more thing that is really connected with the group we belong to...

What about leader that is visionaire and spreads passion across the team? This causes people to forget about money and everything - they create new things and are part of something BIG.

Marcin Bacia

Marcin Bacia ...-BraveMind-...

Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

Offcourse, untill they are lack of money and got nothing to eat :)

Managers are best (and must be best) motivators - among everything that was said here (but only when other needs are secured). The most important skill in leading is ability to motivate.
Bart T.

Bart T. Managing Member,
Executive, MBA, PhD,
Fulbright Scholar

Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

Marcin B.:Offcourse, untill they are lack of money and got nothing to eat :)

Managers are best (and must be best) motivators - among everything that was said here (but only when other needs are secured). The most important skill in leading is ability to motivate.

Bart: To my mind, there's ALOT more than motivation when leading a team! A GREAT leader is able to:
1) excite you (so that you FOLLOW them)
2) ground you (teaching you UNusual thinking)
3) transform you
4) RELEASE 'you' (it's like virtually turning 'you' into 'them' , releasing YOUR genius)! A simple-difficult recipe:) Best,

Bart Jozef T. edytował(a) ten post dnia 07.11.06 o godzinie 01:38
Marcin Bacia

Marcin Bacia ...-BraveMind-...

Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

Agree, managing is not boil down to motivation, that is not what I ment.

Next society manager should have everything what you have said, but motivation is a part of everything than you said too :)

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Temat: What motivates people at work most is...

Mariusz M.:In my opinion that depends. We all are quite different and we have completely different motivational systems, so for one man that always will money, for other possibility to help other people and for other again a possibility to do some tasks in their own perfect way. I think that attempt to find one thing which motivates all people is impossible.

I agree.

W. H. Auden once wrote, “Whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends, not on the job itself, but on the tastes of the individual who undertakes it.” In other words, if someone enjoys the job they perform, then they will not consider it work.

Iwona Żebrowska edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.02.07 o godzinie 08:04

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