Piotr S.

Piotr S. renesansowa dusza

Temat: Fighting discrimination through Sports and Animation


W dniach 22-30.07.08 w Arrabida (http://www.azeitao.net/arrabida/pna/, http://viajar.clix.pt/fotos.php?id=1147&lg=pt)
odbędzie się wymiana młodzieży w ramach Programu Młodzież w Działaniu (http://www.mlodziez.org.pl/).

Uczestnicy: 15-17 years old youngsters with fewer opportunities (Social difficulties: for example any kind of discrimination, drug problems, broken families etc.)
i tutaj prośba do Was - jeśli macie kontakt z takimi osobami - podeślijcie mi namiary, a ja się z nimi skontaktuję.

koszt uczestnictwa (przelot, zakwaterowanie, wyżywienie, ubezpieczenie, materiały programowe, udział w zajęciach) to około 800 zł (w zależności od ceny biletu)

Partnerami wymiany są:
- Centro Social de Palmela (Portugal) - organizatorzy
- MO Plusko - Slovakia
- “aha” – Tipps und Infos für Junge Leute, Monika Paterno (manager) - Austria
- Asociacion Juvenil “INTERCAMBIA” (Youth Organization “INTERCAMBIA”) - Spain
- Youth Initiatives’ Awakening Centre (Centrum Budzenia Inicjatyw Mlodziezowych) – Poland

z każdego kraju jedzie po 5. uczestników + lider (w przypadku Polski ja jestem liderem;>)

1. The project promotes young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular.
2. Develops solidarity and promote tolerance among young people, in particular in order to foster social cohesion in the European Union.
3. Fosters mutual understanding between young people and different countries
4. Promotes European cooperation in the youth field.
5. Use non-competitive sports, outdoor activities and animation techniques as a tool to non-formal learning about anti-discrimination.
6. Educate the European Citizenship, interculturality and the respect for each individual as an equal, in spite of gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion, social or economical background.
7. Exchange of experiences between different European Union members, from different European countries, cultures, social habits and traditions.
8. Promote European awareness and the new Youth Programme, Youth in Action and some of its new possibilities and changes since the prior Youth Programme

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P.Piotr S. edytował(a) ten post dnia 15.06.08 o godzinie 11:32