Joanna T.

Joanna T. BDM, Pentacomp

Temat: Polska oczami Hindusów

Pewien Polak, mieszkający na stałe w Brukseli, prowadzi projekt, w którym bada jak widzą Polskę przedstawiciele innych krajów. Cztery proste pytania zadał również na forum Indyjskim. Odpowiedzi mnie urzekły:)

1. What comes up to your mind when you hear/read about Poland ?
- warsaw, ghetto, Pan Doktor Janusz Korczak, book(king matt)
- hot chicks, the pope, warsaw, WWII
- Beautiful people & WW -II
- The movie 'Sandesham' in Malayalam, The Warsaw Pact and Freedom of Air, and CS-er Tony, A Sardar guy who has a restaurant there!
- Roman Polanski, communism, warsaw,football - Boniek,smolarek,bunsol and lato

2. Is Poland known in India for any specific product or anything else ?
- music(Death Metal)
- In general, NO, most people will have difficulty pointing it out on the map, catholics may know about pope John paul II. People on a high might know of the Danziger Gold Wasser.
- Some economical printing machines.
- I have hosted few polish ppl, differentiating factor to recognize them is the popping eyesballs - n as Russel Peter has mentioned - I'm also fearful if the eye balls will just fall down :)
- The only Pope with a spine Catholic Church ever had!
- communism and polish jokes

3. Have you heard of any particular tourist attraction in Poland ?
- Juliusz Słowacki Theatre, lublin
- I spent close to a month in Poland, but before going I did not know of a single "monument". I actually herd of Krakow for the first time while I was in Poland.
- Krakow
- Ghettos
- warsaw

4. Do you know anybody who has been to Poland ? If so, what did he/she say about it ?
- i met one of friends friend, she is very much happy with her own country, and recommend me to visit once
- ME, ME, ME....i think its one the most underrated countries in Europe. Steeped in History (medievel and tragic modern), culturally colorful and some of the best parties!
- One of my relative visited there & I got Zolty for my currency collection
- I know a Martial Arts expert from Kerala, who now teaches Kalari Payat (traditional kerala martial arts) to the Polish Police Force. He is on a mission to teach them the free hand moves and knots, upon special invitation by the Polish government.
- No