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Temat: Jak wlasciwie wygladala "Europa" i jej "cywilizacja" ok...


Pretekstem jest artykul o wzroscie europejczykow

The ancestors of modern Europeans arrived in Europe at least 40,000 years before present. Pre-glacial maximum Upper Palaeolithic males (before 16,000 BC) were tall and slim (mean height 179 cm, estimated average body weight 67 kg), while the females were comparably small and robust (mean height 158 cm, estimated average body weight 54 kg). Late Upper Palaeolithic males (8000-6600 BC) were of medium stature and robusticity (mean height 166 cm, estimated average body weight 62 kg). Stature further decreased to below 165 cm with estimated average body weight of 64 kg in Neolithic males of the Linear Band Pottery Culture, and to 150 cm with estimated average body weight of 49 kg in Neolithic females. The body stature of European males remained within the range of 165 to 170 cm up to the end of the 19th century.

ciekawy aspekt:

Some 10,000 years ago, the end of the last glacial expansion (the Pleistocene-Holocene transition) provoked, within a very short period of time, a dramatic change of climate in Europe. The cold wet climate of the late glacial period changed into the Pre-Boreal cool-moist climate (8000-6600 BC), and further improved in central Europe at the beginning of the Mesolithic (warm-moist Boreal climate 6600-5400 BC).

Czyli jak zmiany klimatyczne (a moze i inne czynniki) wplywaly na ludzi?
Jak wlasciwie wygladala "Europa" i jej "cywilizacja" tak ok 6000 lat przed nasza era?

Znacie jakies dobre opracowania?

Stan K.

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