Łukasz W.

Łukasz W. Analyst in Private
Equity with economic
education and acc...

Temat: www.taxiregulator.ie

A tu z kolei mozna sie wypowiedziec odnosnie stawek za wynajecie taxowki.

Czas do 13 czerwca.
Bartosz Ślepowronski

Bartosz Ślepowronski Problem? Jaki

Temat: www.taxiregulator.ie

W Polsce by się przydał.
Łukasz W.

Łukasz W. Analyst in Private
Equity with economic
education and acc...

Temat: www.taxiregulator.ie

Zeby nie bylo ze napisalem w proznie:

Our ref: farerev 08/273 Dear Mr Wysokinski,

I refer to your recent email regarding the Commission's Consultation Paper No. 5, National Maximum Taxi Fare Revision.

Once all submissions have been considered and the revision process has concluded, the Commission will publish its decision in relation to the fare revision.

I wish to thank you for your interest and input into the Commission's work.

Yours sincerely,
Jill Barry
Director of Policy and Operations

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