Joanna L.

Joanna L. tłumacz języka

Temat: Pierwszy dzień szwedzkiej prezydencji UE - dziś na Flagey

Swedish inauguration festivities on July 3, 2009
Swedish film screening within the Brussels Film Festival

The Swedish debut film "In your veins" by Beata Gårdeler will be screened at the festival. There will also be Belgian premiere of “Mammoth” by Lukas Moodysson and outdoor screening of “Together”. More detailed information on the Film Festival website.

Venue: Start at 17.00 in and around Flagey

Outdoor concert with Sofia Jannok, Wendy McNeill
and The Soundtrack of Our Lives

Sofia Jannok
Passion is one of Sofia Jannok’s favourite words. It’s something to do with the burning, the feverishness but also with the intimate, with the here-and-now and with the contrasts that appeals to her. It therefore comes as no surprise that passion and contrast are two defining keywords for Sofia Jannok’s music. The warmth and presence in her clear, powerful voice; and the contrast between her Sami background and the creativity and cosmopolitanism of her music.

Wendy McNeill
Wendy McNeill is full of surprises. She can take the listener to the brink of tears one moment and have them laughing out loud the next. Her music is a blend of intriguing story telling and multi layered acoustic soundscapes. She creates many of these layers live by looping her vocals, accordion and guitar. Her sound takes on a whole new depth with the help of Cecilia Linne on Cello, and Andreas Nordell on Double Bass. Together they are a compelling blend of the bold and the vulnerable with hints of cabaret, pop, and spoken word.

The Soundtrack of Our Lives
Since The Soundtrack of Our Lives (TSOOL) came together around 1996 in Göteborg on the Swedish west coast, they have become Sweden's greatest home-grown rock band, entrancing audiences with their brilliantly exhausting and boundary breaking live shows. The 2008 Swedish Grammy award winners have recently released their latest CD Communion. Full of epic, sky-scraping highs and equally blissful meditative moments, they continue to be worshipped around the world by other artists and bands, including Led Zeppelin's Robert Plant and Oasis.

More information about Brussels XL Flagey Summer Festival at the website of Flagey.

Venue: 19.30 at Place Flagey in Brussels

Swedish DJ’s, Johan Risberg and Calle Hellström, in Café Belga at Place Flagey from 22.30

A Swedish evening organised by the Embassy of Sweden and the Junior Chamber of Commerce Belgium - Sweden together with Brussels Film Festival and Brussels XL Flagey Summer.