Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Spot the Formula

During my confirmation, the bishop gave me the wrong confirmation name, so I started hitting him hard. Has anybody else bashed the bishop in church?
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Spot the Formula

I had just made a deal to pay my best friend, a plumber, to fix the toilet, which had been broken for a long time. We shook on it, and then my wife came in. Has anybody else had their wife walk into the toilet to find them shaking hands with their best friend?
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Spot the Formula

At school, my best friend, Pam, was the eldest of six girls, and was always trying to get me to leave classes to play football with them. Did anybody else skip classes to play with Pam and her five sisters?

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Temat: Spot the Formula

It'll be a no, no and another no ;)

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Temat: Spot the Formula

I find it hard to believe you have yet to become acquainted with Mrs Palm and her five lovely daughters, Jarek.

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Temat: Spot the Formula

Warren, read carefully Keith's q's.

Q: Has anybody else bashed the bishop in church?
A: No.

key-word: church

Q: Has anybody else had their wife walk into the toilet to find them shaking hands with their best friend?
A: No.

key-word: being caught red handed (so to speak) by wife

Q: Did anybody else skip classes to play with Pam and her five sisters?
A: No.

key-word: skipping classesJarek Adamowski edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.04.08 o godzinie 15:21

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Temat: Spot the Formula

I think that there was some kind of special formula in your Coco Pops this morning Keith!
Keith Byrne

Keith Byrne Director, Select
Training Solutions

Temat: Spot the Formula

Steven H.:
I think that there was some kind of special formula in your Coco Pops this morning Keith!

Yes, I had to punish the Coco Pops Mascot for enhancing my breakfast. Has anybod else spanked the monkey over breakfast?

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Temat: Spot the Formula

Keith Byrne:
Steven H.:
I think that there was some kind of special formula in your Coco Pops this morning Keith!

Yes, I had to punish the Coco Pops Mascot for enhancing my breakfast. Has anybod else spanked the monkey over breakfast?
Bad monkey, that's a bad, bad monkey!!!

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Temat: Spot the Formula

Keith Byrne:
Steven H.:
I think that there was some kind of special formula in your Coco Pops this morning Keith!

Yes, I had to punish the Coco Pops Mascot for enhancing my breakfast. Has anybod else spanked the monkey over >breakfast?

Can't say that I did. Have you ever played the game of "Oookie cookie"? Very simple set of rules, the loser gets to eat the cookie. (Rhetorical question)Rafal Wolk edytował(a) ten post dnia 14.04.08 o godzinie 17:59

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Temat: Spot the Formula

Doc Cox .... aka Ivor Biggun

The Ukele man:

Guess what it is I'm holding
Down here in my hand
It's given pleasure to millions
Both up and down the land
It's my little ukele
It's my pleasure and my joy
I've plucked and plonked it daily
Ever since I was a boy
I've praciced and I've practiced
That right hand rhythm routine
And now I've got an action
Like a massage parlour Queen

Oh mother !!!
Nobody does it like the ukele man ...

I've such coordination
In my fingers and my thumb
An action learned from years
Of sitting down to have a strum etc ... whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 17.04.08 o godzinie 23:49

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Temat: Spot the Formula

spanked the monkey for hiding those tools...had to choke the chicken.
Jon M.

Jon M. Technical/Offshore

Temat: Spot the Formula

I'm feeling a bit hungry. I think I'll go and have a quick ham shank.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Spot the Formula

I got a bit stressed today, looked at my diary and noticed I'd planned too much stuff, one appointment too many... so I thought I'm gonna have to knock one out.

Have you ever looked at your diary and knocked one out?

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Temat: Spot the Formula

The classic song:

My mother said that I never should
Play with those naughty, rude girls in the wood
Their giggling talk I could never understand
And that why I fell in love with my right hand
And that's why .....

I was twenty-five years old before I was kissed
And it was then I found that I prefered a swift one off the wrist
It's cheap and convenient, you can't catch V.D.
It's available at anytime and it's absolutely free
And that's why .....

Oh dear Mrs Palm and your five lovely daughters
Thank you for having me and being oh so kind .....

I'm sure pani Ola would give this song the thumbs up.

Whoever could believe we are niekulturalny, or that we don't speak the language of Shakespeare.

.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.04.08 o godzinie 00:21

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Temat: Spot the Formula


I was briefly dating Miss Michigan. In fact it has been an on again off again relationship. The geographical shape of Michigan makes it hard.

Does anybody else know Miss Michigan?Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 20.04.08 o godzinie 00:25
Tim Harrell

Tim Harrell Lektor Angielskiego

Temat: Spot the Formula

I went to Texas a while back and met that fellow Dubya when he was just in charge of a state rather than the whole world.
Thoroughly nice chap. A bit slow though, and I had to set him straight on a few things.

Has anyone else been photographed while shaking hands with the governor?

Sorry keith, if that was a rip off of your #2, but since you bashed the bishop so hard, I think you should make amends and start pleasing the pope instead!

And since we're in a Finbarr Saunders mood, here's something else in a smutty vein. This is from one of the most well-known childrens programmes of the 70s- after watching it you might understand a lot more about the British psyche!

Rainbow Twanger
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Spot the Formula

in a smutty vein. This is from one of the most well-known childrens programmes of the 70s- after watching it you might understand a lot more about the British psyche!

Rainbow Twanger

Was thinking of posting that one myself but you beat me off to it;))

It's a classic!
Tim Harrell

Tim Harrell Lektor Angielskiego

Temat: Spot the Formula

and as we're talking about serious 'wrist action', nobody can hold a candle to this guy:

16000 RPM.... that'd make the eyes water. :-0
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Spot the Formula

Tim Harrell:
and as we're talking about serious 'wrist action', nobody can hold a candle to this guy:

16000 RPM.... that'd make the eyes water. :-0

That's phenomenal! The embodiment of true dedication. One off the wrist gains a whole new meaning with those power balls!!

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