Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

A message from Piotr Jurkiewicz, the mighty author of the following questions!

I am aware that today most of you are not at work! Nor I am. Just sitting far away from Warsaw at Mazury. So here are my questions:

1. So, what are you doing over the long weekend?

2. Would you like to go to Mars? The mission is planned for 2030, so start preparing.

3. What is your favorite board game? If you have any.

4. Imagine yourself as a old man/women. Have grown up kids, have a house and a nice car…but you are bored and desperate to go back to work. You got the second chance to start live again. Would you take that chance?

5. Do you agree that a swine flue is a man made disease?

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Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

Steve Jones:
A message from Piotr Jurkiewicz, the mighty author of the following questions!
Thanks, Piotr. Have a fun and safe weekend and beyond.
1. So, what are you doing over the long weekend?
I'm in a tournament. Afterwards I think I'll look for mushrooms.
2. Would you like to go to Mars?
Negative. I would accept the take-off and landing, and then the reentry attitudes, but I couldn't tolerate the 500-plus-day tx. Ever rode across Kansas?
3. What is your favorite board game? If you have any.
I don't play them enough to say.
4. Imagine yourself as a old man
I would definitely want to be as dynamic as possible.
5. Do you agree that a swine flue is a man made disease?
Negative. Not in the sense it was engineered (for use as a weapon)? By the way, I would rather take my chances against that for two weeks than I would McDonalds et al every day for a year. Chronic coronary artery disease kills 56+ million people per year (World Health Organization, 2003), not 560, 56000, 560000, and those hydrogenated fats that probably contribute to it are man-made.

For-profit "news" organizations want to be either sensational or salacious. They think that's what people want because their own aptitudes are watered-down. So you'll have something on TV about swine flu every night, then a "special" report on any Thursday night because that's the night where they place their big earners. They call it "Must See TV" here. They sell the most expensive commercials then because people generally shop on the weekend for the more expensive things they buy. I'm just average so if even I can see that...geez. It's not magic.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.05.09 o godzinie 03:52
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

I am aware that today most of you are not at work! Nor I am. Just sitting far away from Warsaw at Mazury.
Have fun!
1. So, what are you doing over the long weekend?
Mastering some mixes and upgrading/updating some of my sooftwares.
2. Would you like to go to Mars? The mission is planned for 2030, so start preparing.
I'd give an arm, whadda ya say...
3. What is your favorite board game? If you have any.
The motherboard game. I like assembling my own stuff, if possible. That's why I like PCs. I can actually feel like I'm 10 years old again.
4. Imagine yourself as a old man/women.
No biggie. I am old.
Have grown up kids, have a house and a nice car…
That's pretty easy, I must say. I could do it when I was 20 too?
but you are bored and desperate to go back to work.
Ouch, that's tough, but I'll try...
You got the second chance to start live again. Would you take that chance?
Of course. But don't forget to erase my mind from the previous life, please.
5. Do you agree that a swine flue is a man made disease?
How can I agree while knowing almost nothing about it? (a rhetorical question) None of us, poor humans do. Are you a scientist, actively working on it? (yup, another one) I'm not. If you are, you should know that, anything that are created in lab conditions, could happen by itself in the nature.

I can believe anything's possible, no biggie, but this one is not going to take us anywhere, I believe.
Some may call it "Conspiracy theory", but I don't. There are weird things happening out there, I know, but talking about this one is a bit pointless to me. I go watch Mission Impossible II instead. Same subject, more fun.

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Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

Steve Jones:
1. So, what are you doing over the long weekend?
2. Would you like to go to Mars? The mission is planned for 2030, so start preparing.
Not interested. I haven't even been to Paris yet.
3. What is your favorite board game? If you have any.
I used to play Monopoly's polish version: Eurobusiness. I used to play chess (ok, not really a board game...). Guess Eurobusiness wins.
4. Imagine yourself as a old man/women. Have grown up kids, have a house and a nice car…but you are bored and desperate to go back to work. You got the second chance to start live again. Would you take that chance?
Yes I would but only if I was allowed to keep all the money I would've gathered in this life. I'd start living again and I wouldn't be bored. And I most definitely would NOT be working!
5. Do you agree that a swine flue is a man made disease?

Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

Steve Jones:
A message from Piotr Jurkiewicz, the mighty author of the following questions!

I am aware that today most of you are not at work! Nor I am. Just sitting far away from Warsaw at Mazury. So here are my questions:

1. So, what are you doing over the long weekend?
today just nothing except few pints with friends
2. Would you like to go to Mars? The mission is planned for 2030, so start preparing.
how much does it cost?
for how long?
who is going with me?
is it all inclusive trip?
3. What is your favorite board game? If you have any.
favorite? hm, I don't know
4. Imagine yourself as a old man/women. Have grown up kids, have a house and a nice car…but you are bored and desperate to go back to work. You got the second chance to start live again. Would you take that chance?
Yeah, what shall I do?
5. Do you agree that a swine flue is a man made disease?
Of course.

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Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

Steve Jones:
A message from Piotr Jurkiewicz, the mighty author of the
following questions!
1. So, what are you doing over the long weekend?

There's a thread for it. But, since I am supposed to be nice, here goes: in bed, sick. My friends are keeping me happy by sending bbq photos, and I spend my days online as have read all the new books.

2. Would you like to go to Mars? The mission is planned for 2030,
so start preparing.
Haven't we had it before? I'd go only if I had decent company. It's a good idea for fff though: who would you like to spend 4 years with, swooshing through space in a shoe box? I'd go for Violetta, Warren, Jarek, the Zalewska kid, and Steve J. if he promised not to use NLP.
3. What is your favorite board game? If you have any.
Scrabble! And backgammon.
4. Imagine yourself as a old man/women. Have grown up kids, have a
house and a nice car…but you are bored and desperate to go back
to work. You got the second chance to start live again. Would you
take that chance?
I don't get it. Like, go through life again? Sure! Just make sure you remove a few people from my path.
5. Do you agree that a swine flue is a man made disease?
Marta K.

Marta K. Student, The
University of

Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

Steve Jones:
A message from Piotr Jurkiewicz, the mighty author of the following questions!

I am aware that today most of you are not at work! Nor I am. Just sitting far away from Warsaw at Mazury. So here are my questions:

1. So, what are you doing over the long weekend?

Trip away.
2. Would you like to go to Mars? The mission is planned for 2030, so start preparing.

It depends. How would that mission affect the environment, how expensive it would be, what are the risks involved...?
3. What is your favorite board game? If you have any.

Scrabble and Monopoly.
4. Imagine yourself as a old man/women. Have grown up kids, have a house and a nice car…but you are bored and desperate to go back to work. You got the second chance to start live again. Would you take that chance?

I would rather not :)
5. Do you agree that a swine flue is a man made disease?

Yes, it is.

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Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

Tatiana S.:
Haven't we had it before?
Ahhh someone's finally decided to continue with my heritage!!!

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Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

Have we got kids together? Let me go check...
Łukasz G.

Łukasz G. Senior Technical
Sales Manager w
Tripleplay Ltd.

Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

Steve Jones:
1. So, what are you doing over the long weekend?

Going to Poland! Yeah! See my family and some other people.
2. Would you like to go to Mars? The mission is planned for 2030, so start preparing.

Of course I would, I love new things in life, plus it would be a great opportunity to take amazing photos, if tripods are allowed ;)
3. What is your favourite board game? If you have any.

Definitely chess, I do not play anything else really if I do at all.
4. Imagine yourself as a old man/women. Have grown up kids, have a house and a nice car…but you are bored and desperate to go back to work. You got the second chance to start live again. Would you take that chance?

Hell Yeah! Why would I not take it? Would I be allowed to get younger as well and keep my brain ;>
5. Do you agree that a swine flue is a man made disease?

Maybe disease has not been created by man, it is mutation itself, but the outbreak? Who knows. I think it is huge pharmaceutical concerns that started it for obvious reasons.
Agnieszka Piasecka

Agnieszka Piasecka Ukraina, jeśli

Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

Steve Jones:
A message from Piotr Jurkiewicz, the mighty author of the following questions!
I am aware that today most of you are not at work! Nor I am. Just sitting far away from Warsaw at Mazury. So here are my questions:

1. So, what are you doing over the long weekend?
Resting. Biking. Reading. Having fun.

2. Would you like to go to Mars? The mission is planned for 2030, so start preparing.
No. I feel well on the Earth.

3. What is your favorite board game? If you have any.

4. Imagine yourself as a old man/women. Have grown up kids, have a house and a nice car…but you are bored and desperate to go back to work. You got the second chance to start live again. Would you take that chance?
In my profession I shall be never retired in the normal meaning of this word. My hobby is my job, my job is my hobby. One change there's gonna be though, I will move away from the big city.

5. Do you agree that a swine flue is a man made disease?
Yes I do.
Agnieszka O.

Agnieszka O. Nauczyciel języka
polskiego, Zespół

Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

1.I am staying in home ut I am also resting. I go for walks to nearest forest,and observe beautiful landscapes, pond where swons are swiming. Sometimes i can see squirrels. It so quite to see how it climbs on the tree. Hare which jump on the fields and different species of birds. but the beautifull are deers.

2. I would like to go to Mars because it could be an extraordinary experiement. But honestly spekink, I will be afraided of this risky journey but very curious.

3.I liked Eurobusiness when I was child.

5.I want to live that as that I will never regret anything in my life. Humanlive is valuable gift from God and we should respect it and relish, all aspects of our existence.
5. It is dangerous and not well known diesease and the threatning of pandenia it serious. The main set of infection is in Mexico. It hards to answer for this question interchangeably.
scientist reserch the virus and try to find vaccine which coud be indispensableAgnieszka O. edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.05.09 o godzinie 20:10
Kasia M.

Kasia M. "Świat jest taki,
jaki myślisz, że

Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

Steve Jones:
A message from Piotr Jurkiewicz, the mighty author of the following questions!

thank you :-)

I am aware that today most of you are not at work! Nor I am. Just sitting far away from Warsaw at Mazury.

I was at school, does it count or not?

1. So, what are you doing over the long weekend?
... Tatiana s right, and now I'm thinking about referring you to the thread :-D
It depends on the weather. if it's nice and sunny we'll go for a walk somewhere. if it's raining, we'll go to a museum...

2. Would you like to go to Mars? The mission is planned for 2030, so start preparing.
yes, I would, so would my son :-D he is really interested in solar system and he is ready to explore it :-D
3. What is your favorite board game? If you have any.
I like playing games. years ago it was Monopoly, now because of my son: snakes and ladders :-D

4. Imagine yourself as a old man/women.
hmmm, it's very difficult. I'm still 17!
Have grown up kids, have a house and a nice car…but you are bored and desperate to go back to work.
as far as I'm concerned, I can work at my office even if I'm retired. and this is my plan :-D
You got the second chance to start live again. Would you take that chance?
yes, of course, I would! who wouldn't?

5. Do you agree that a swine flue is a man made disease?
some days ago I wasn't interested in that topic at all. now I'm trying to be as objective as possible. the longer I think about that, the more I agree with your statement.Katarzyna Marszalec edytował(a) ten post dnia 01.05.09 o godzinie 20:54

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Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

Steve Jones:
swine flue
btw, could we show a little class?

H1N1, please. People are tryin' to make a living off pork

Thank you. :)

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Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

Yes, sir!
And you can call me R2D2 for the duration of the H1N1 pandemic.

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Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

1. So, what are you doing over the long weekend?

Well, thanks for considering people who live in OTHER COUNTRIES in your little questionnaire... :D

Nothing exciting. Some work. Some football from England (the best league IN THE WORLD). Mowing the lawn.

2. Would you like to go to Mars? The mission is planned for 2030, so start preparing.

Nah. I will skip Mars. I've been to Nebraska. It's pretty much the same thing.

3. What is your favorite board game? If you have any.


4. Imagine yourself as an old man/woman. Have grown up kids, have a house and a nice car…but you are bored and desperate to go back to work. You got the second chance to start life again. Would you take that chance?

I don't have to imagine it. Gosh, this is depressing.

5. Do you agree that a swine flue is a man made disease?

I think if men want to it do with pigs, who should stop them? Let's be more tolerant, people. Whether you want it or not, soon there will be men marrying pigs up in Vermont. Get ready!a n d r z e j C. edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.05.09 o godzinie 06:55
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

Joj Y.:
Steve Jones:
swine flue
btw, could we show a little class?

H1N1, please. People are tryin' to make a living off pork

Thank you. :)
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

Steve Jones:
A message from Piotr Jurkiewicz, the mighty author of the following questions!

I am aware that today most of you are not at work! Nor I am. Just sitting far away from Warsaw at Mazury. So here are my questions:

1. So, what are you doing over the long weekend?
My dad came over for my elder son's birthday:)
2. Would you like to go to Mars? The mission is planned for 2030, so start preparing.
Not interested in Mars. There's probably more to do here than on a barren piece of red rock.
3. What is your favorite board game? If you have any.
Haven't played Monopoly for a while, but I used to love that one!
4. Imagine yourself as a old man/women. Have grown up kids, have a house and a nice car…but you are bored and desperate to go back to work. You got the second chance to start live again. Would you take that chance?
No. Working is overrated. Always was, always will be.
5. Do you agree that a swine flue is a man made disease?

I think it was made by my next door neighbour, Pani Barbara Świńkowska

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Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

ilter K.:
tsss lol. "Swane..."

I can laugh at those every time (btw, my brothers and I used to do those Kato vs. Clousseau, hide on each other and then...).

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Temat: Five for the Free Friday (01.05.2009)

Steve Jones:
A message from Piotr Jurkiewicz, the mighty author of the following questions!

I am aware that today most of you are not at work! Nor I am. Just sitting far away from Warsaw at Mazury. So here are my questions:

1. So, what are you doing over the long weekend?

Just got back from a three day Polish country get away. Kids were chasing each other and helping with planting carrots and onions in a hot sun, right after visiting live stock - pigs, cows, horses, chickens and ducks. We were in Kampinos, within 15min walk from the National Park, so we ended up taking two long trips admiring the Polish wildlife.
In the evening we fried sausages over a nice camp fire and drank beer while talking a whole lotta smack.
We tried hunting for a bit for jack rabbits and pheasants but with no luck... although we did get damn close couple of times. Now I got a redneck and a face that can match it hehehe...

2. Would you like to go to Mars? The mission is planned for 2030, so start preparing.

I'd love to.

3. What is your favorite board game? If you have any.

Don't really have one, I've always been bad at those.

4. Imagine yourself as a old man/women. Have grown up kids, have a house and a nice car…but you are bored and desperate to go back to work. You got the second chance to start live again. Would you take that chance?

Sure... why not, I'm the curious type so living out a different scenario might be fun.

5. Do you agree that a swine flue is a man made disease?

Aren't they all?

Następna dyskusja:

Five for unlucky Friday 13....

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