Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

This weeks questions from the man named after a popular Polish dish loved by millions and reviled by equal numbers... let's hear it, ladies and gentlemen, for Mr Szymon Flaka!!

As crisis takes its tool a number of finance related questions :)

1. Poles... Do they want to be rich or just want to look rich?
2. What role does money play in your life?
3. Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a choice?
4. What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland)
5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?

Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

Steve Jones:

1. Poles... Do they want to be rich or just want to look rich?

They want they neighbours think they're rich. Poles, not neighbours.
2. What role does money play in your life?

I'm still waiting for my big lottery prize.
3. Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a choice?

It gives choices. Sometimes too much money gives too many choices, but I'd like to check it by myself.
4. What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland)

Eating is overrated.
5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?

Now you're talking!

Like every decent Pole I'd grumble why it's not 10 mln ;)

Then I'd buy a new house for my friend's parents. That's a promise I gave myself long time ago.

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Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

1. Poles... Do they want to be rich or just want to look rich?
Some want to be rich, others want to keep up and look rich.
Still others, don't care :)

2. What role does money play in your life?
Very pragmatic. We all need it. I try to use common sense.

3. Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a choice?
This is a misquote. It's the LOVE OF MONEY that is the root of all evil :)

4. What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland)

Going out to expensive restaurants.

5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?

I'd invest it in real estate.

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Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
1. Poles... Do they want to be rich or just want to look rich?

To be rich and flaunt it :) Don't expect any of that British understatement here.

But unless you've actually got cash, you can't fake it for long.
2. What role does money play in your life?

After staying healthy, it's the second priority. Once you have it, cars, babes & peace of mind follow automatically. On a serious note, being able to buy what you want simply banishes the notion of money from your battered mind. Faster than some fookin' Che Guevara. One worry less.
3. Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a choice?

... and work is the curse of the drinking classes.
- Wilde

Every time I see an elderly female shopkeeper, I praise the Phoenicians. No barter exchange on the top of the counter...
4. What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland)

I don't pay social security (aka Prokom Tax), so I'll get nowt. Fair deal.
5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?

No, not that question again. It's so Polish. Buy nuts for Warsaw squirrels perhaps. Or a cramped suburban flat for storing smuggled cocaine.Adam L. edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.04.09 o godzinie 20:22

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Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

1. Poles... Do they want to be rich or just want to look rich?

2. What role does money play in your life?

Necessary evil.
3. Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a choice?

The root of all evil is located only in minds. It depends on my wisdom what is money for me.

4. What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland)

Gloomy question :) I'd stop to spend money to sweeties, it's important position in my life...
5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?

Storing it there, where inflation is not allowed. Gold, some bonds, etc. And I would spend some money till the end of my life because of percents of revenues from the capital.

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Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

it, ladies and gentlemen, for Mr Szymon Flaka!!
Thanks for the questions !

1. Poles... Do they want to be rich or just want to look rich?
I think both ! For long time they get nothing and now there is so much on the market to buy, that they want to buy everything.
What I also see ... they always have the latest electronic stuff!
2. What role does money play in your life?
It's important to have money. But this is not the most important.
3. Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a choice?
I should say .. power and money are the root of a lot of evil
4. What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland)
less go on holiday
5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?
First put it on my account and then take my time to think what to do with it
Małgorzata Kucharska

Małgorzata Kucharska Specjalista ds

Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
This weeks questions from the man named after a popular Polish dish loved by millions and reviled by equal numbers... let's hear it, ladies and gentlemen, for Mr Szymon Flaka!!

As crisis takes its tool a number of finance related questions :)

1. Poles... Do they want to be rich or just want to look rich?
2. What role does money play in your life?
3. Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a choice?
4. What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland)
5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?

1. For majority the satisfaction resulting from looking rich is just an ephemeral sensation. What makes it real is being rich. If one tries to look smart, means one wants to be one. It's all about deceiving others and yourself.

2. Major. It's not intentional, though.

3. It definitely gives me choice. It's a tool not a goal.

4. I'm not gonna let that happen.

5. Invest (to have a good return and secure future), buy a flat, invest in my interests.
Piotr J.

Piotr J. Account Manager

Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

Thank you Mr Szymon Flaka!! Btw. Steve nice glasses ;-)

As crisis takes its tool a number of finance related questions :)

1. Poles... Do they want to be rich or just want to look rich?

We, the Poles want to be rich and we want to look rich, however we do not want to share.
2. What role does money play in your life?

I can not say that money are not important in my life. They were always important, because they allowed me to do things which I wanted.
3. Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a choice?

I disagree with this question. Money is not the root of all evil, maybe some part of it. We (me) have a choice, to live with them or without.
4. What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland)

Hard to say really. I am too young to think about it, however I am predicting that there will be no pensions at all. In 50 years, we will live even longer than now, I might get rich by then.
5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?

Get a flat, get a car. 1 mln not that much.
Agnieszka Piasecka

Agnieszka Piasecka Ukraina, jeśli

Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
This weeks questions from the man named after a popular Polish dish loved by millions and reviled by equal numbers... let's hear it, ladies and gentlemen, for Mr Szymon Flaka!!

Thanks :)

As crisis takes its tool a number of finance related questions :)

1. Poles... Do they want to be rich or just want to look rich?
They want to feel safe at first if it comes to the crisis... when economy is ok, they want to be rich.
2. What role does money play in your life?
I like challenges and satisfaction which comes out of my work. Money is a mean to achieve goals not a goal itself.
3. Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a choice?
Money itself is ok, the root of evil is in people's character. Money don't make us evil... if one is evil, will try to get to money in evil way - like people who took money from bailout plan and spent it on playing currencies.
4. What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland)
Have you ever read "Rich father, poor father"? Don't rely on the state retirement system. It is the minimum you may base on, but it should be supplemented by other stuff. But if I was in such situation I wouldn't buy new books- they are in libraries, cut off my fixed phone - I have my cell phone anyway, stop buying beer ;)
5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?
I would make 4 mln out of it within 4 years.Agnieszka Piasecka edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.04.09 o godzinie 23:00

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Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

Agnieszka Piasecka:
I would make 4 mln out of it within 4 years.

Futures or Forex?Adam L. edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.04.09 o godzinie 23:12
Marcin Jasiński

Marcin Jasiński Global Leader | CEO
Advisor | Management
Consultant | mjt...

Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
This weeks questions from the man named after a popular Polish dish loved by millions and reviled by equal numbers... let's hear it, ladies and gentlemen, for Mr Szymon Flaka!!

As crisis takes its tool a number of finance related questions :)

1. Poles... Do they want to be rich or just want to look rich?
2. What role does money play in your life?
3. Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a choice?
4. What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland)
5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?

1. If we make a distinction between being reach and wealthy - Poles want to be reach. Naturally, there are exceptions. If one puts an effort and have enough strong will, he/she will be rich - sooner or later. Again, the question is how we define richness. Thus, the answer is both with the emphasis on looking reach.

2. In my live it plays a role of a "commodity". It allows me to do/buy things I like or I want to experience. Automatically, it is the answer for the following question.

3. Choice. Still, it is the root of most evil. I hope it won't happen to me to a great extent.

4. I would not save as much; and if needed I would use some of my existing savings.

5. First and foremost, pay a tax (ouch!). Then I would probably join the rally, at least short-term (WIG20 +6.95% today, FTSE100 +4,28% , DAX +6.07%). Subsequently, I would close some positions to buy a mini-cooper for my Mum; I would take my Dad to a F1 race; and I would buy my sister a motorbike or something; for me? Perhaps Dubai or Singapore for a week or two. If there is anything left - ISA + bonds + stocks.

Very interesting topic as well as questions. Much more entertaining than writing a report on FDI in the hotel industry :P


MJMarcin Jasiński edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.04.09 o godzinie 23:44
Agnieszka Piasecka

Agnieszka Piasecka Ukraina, jeśli

Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

Adam L.:
Agnieszka Piasecka:
I would make 4 mln out of it within 4 years.

Futures or Forex?Adam L. edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.04.09 o godzinie 23:12


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Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
This weeks questions
Thank you, Szymon. :)
1. Poles... Do they want
Afghans to Zimbabweans (is that correct?) want to have as little apprehension about their economic futures and the futures of their loved ones as possible, I think. We all know individuals - various demeanors about moolah.
2. What role does money play in your life?
Lets me say no to people I want to say no to.
3. Money is the root of all evil?
ONE root in a network of human roots with a "million" off-shoot roots, and besides, money can be anything. Just ask a crack whore. It's economics that blow my mind.

I know how to grow a tomato or catch a fish. So it's funny to think about buying them. I don't know how to make eyeglasses, though, or how to refine oil. We're just in it.
4. relevant in Poland
I guess I'm disqualified.
5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?
All the money I win always goes to the Guy C. Belgian Youth Orchestra Foundation. :)))

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Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

1. Look expensive and be VERY rich!

2. They are close to me as can be.

3. Give me a choice and possibility.

4. I would make some savings and investment during working years so I can travel all over the world when I retired.

5. Not much maybe 1 million dollars? Anyway I would invest this money at stocks. Money make money.
Bernd Schreckenberg

Bernd Schreckenberg I am an experienced
teacher, with a
diverse background,

Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
This weeks questions from the man named after a popular Polish dish loved by millions and reviled by equal numbers... let's hear it, ladies and gentlemen, for Mr Szymon Flaka!!

Thänk yü :)
As crisis takes its tool a number of finance related questions :)

1. Poles... Do they want to be rich or just want to look rich?

Well, let's cut 'em some slack. Everybody just would love to be there own rich entrepreneur and own their own Vodka-factory. Until then they dress-up with fancy Dolce&Gabana from Vietnam, you know, for compensation.
2. What role does money play in your life?

Unfortunately a much to little one.
3. Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a choice?

Yeah, the choice to be evil without consequence :)
4. What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland)

I guess I have to cut out more than one organ to be able to afford living in Warsaw at that time in future ;-)
5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?

I would buy myself 200'000 Euro and retire somewhere in the american Midwest.
Katarzyna D.

Katarzyna D. Kierownik Działu

Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

1. Poles... Do they want to be rich or just want to look rich?

Want to look rich. If we can't there is always jealousy of our succesful neighbours. I believe we want to have a lot of money but without hard work.

2. What role does money play in your life?

I need to pay my bills

3. Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a choice?

As long as other things in your life are more important, it gives possibilities

4. What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland)

I still hope to live in Latin America in few years.
But seriously. Can't imagine it.

5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?

Could be difficult, cause I've never tried any kind of lottery.
Andrzej S.

Andrzej S. Krok za krokiem, do

Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
This weeks questions from the man named after a popular Polish dish loved by millions and reviled by equal numbers... let's hear it, ladies and gentlemen, for Mr Szymon Flaka!!

As crisis takes its tool a number of finance related questions :)

Thanks Szymon!
1. Poles... Do they want to be rich or just want to look rich?
2. What role does money play in your life?
It's most important after health, no money = no fun, no fun=no reali living.
3. Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a choice?
Greed and jealousy are the roots of all evil.
4. What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland)
5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?

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Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

Agnes B.:
1. Look expensive and be VERY rich!
I see sock puppets wherever I look nowadays.

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Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

Steve Jones:
This weeks questions from the man named after a popular Polish dish loved by millions and reviled by equal numbers... let's hear it, ladies and gentlemen, for Mr Szymon Flaka!!
Clap, clap, clap, clap!
As crisis takes its tool a number of finance related questions :)

1. Poles... Do they want to be rich or just want to look rich?

Thay only want to look rich. Everyday showing off.
2. What role does money play in your life?

Important, but not crucial.
3. Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a choice?

Money gives you opportunities. Lack of money gives you no choice.
4. What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland)

Sushi clothes and move back to my parents' - oh, I'm retired, so they are no longer here, I suppose... Hmmm... So I'll keep my home.
5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?

Loads of stuff. First of all, move somewhere to retire well. Kiwiland, or Sweden.
Ilter K.

Ilter K. Business Developer,
Music Producer, AVID
Certified Instru...

Temat: Five for Friday (03.01.2009)

1. Poles... Do they want to be rich or just want to look rich?
Both. Like everyone from any other country. Nothing specific for Poles.
2. What role does money play in your life?
A minor role.
3. Money is the root of all evil? or does it just give you a choice?
Let's say money is important. Like love, happiness, peace and so on.
It is the integral part of our life. Calling it as 'evil' would be wrong.
4. What would you cut out (from your spendings) once you retired and receive around 35-40% of your last wage/salary (That is relevant to all who work and want to retired in Poland)
I am pretty economical already. I don't think I'd cut out anything.
But considering I will be retired when I'm dead, I can only say I'd cut the women out of my life, and that would be it. Not because I'd spent a lot of money for women, it is because you wanted me to cut something out.
5. What would you do if you won 1 mln zł?
I'd buy a stronger computer. Or 2. With massive LED screens.

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