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Temat: Interesting business english project Krakow/Krzysztof...

Hi guys!
Before I go into the subject, remember tomorrow is the voting day!!
Even if you are not into politics of any kind, go and vote
it might be your 1 vote that makes the difference!

Ok, now :)

I have decided to move back to Poland (Kraków) where I will be
participating in an online-based business english project
and I was curious of your opinions/suggestions.

1. What is it?
An online e-learning platform/community
where you can improve your business english skills

2. What is in it for you?
You can be the beta tester for free!
It will be virtual with an option for face to face contact
in a few selected cities in Poland.
This way I know that the uploaded content will have an audience.

3. What is it about?
3 things:
- Learning/ practicing business english online in your own time
- Networking/socialising with other group members (both virtually and live)
- An option to participate in an American certificate (online and then live)

How does it sound?
Its just at the beginning but your opinions/views are key to me!

On another subject if anyone of you is from the Kraków area,
I am just planning to move there and would really appreciate the advice on where is the best agency/portal and areas to rent a room/"kawalerka"? :)

Any suggestions to the 2 subjects above very welcome.

Again, tomorrow get out there to vote!


Krzysztof DargiewiczKrzysztof Dargiewicz edytował(a) ten post dnia 19.06.10 o godzinie 20:37