Richard Lucas

Richard Lucas Cofounder at

Temat: Podcasty po angielsku, liderzy po polsku


Who are the most successful Polish podcasters with experience of gaining traction in English as well as Polish.

What is the best methodology to find out about numebrs.
I know about,The-News/65,Podcast I can see
RMF FM: Fakty
RMF FM: Kontrwywiad
Gość Radia ZET Monika Olejnik

but it's not so hard for an existing old school radio channel to be a podcaster... who has managed to build up a big audience through social media etc

is reliable

any thoughts tips links much appreciated


Michael Doherty

Michael Doherty Content
presenter Expat
Radio Krakow

Temat: Podcasty po angielsku, liderzy po polsku

It's a good question. We used Mixcloud last year, simply because it's free to use, no upload limit, and they pay all royalties on songs played.

At the moment we're experimenting with live online broadcasting. In terms of production we're sorted, but rather naive with sophisticated social media and how to exploit it to the max.

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Google News po polsku!

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