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Temat: Self-help doesn't have to be a myth - a few words on Tony...


Weekend is here again and the sun is out! In that positive spirit I would like you to explore one of the self-help courses done by one of my mentors Tony Robbins

Now, whatever you think of mentors, self-help speakers or authors,
some of them know their stuff and Tony is definitely one of them.
He sells educational products that help you improve or develop
both your personal and professional life.
He himself has been up and down, broke and rich, unhealthy and fit.

What does this have to do with Business English?
Well, the reason is two-fold:
1. His content offers value and results if you follow-through.
2. He is a perfect sales/presentation-man to watch and imitate.

Without further ado meet Tony Robbins:



1. self-help- rozwój osobisty/personalny
2. educational products- szkolenia/produkty edukacyjne
3. improve- ulepszyć/poprawić
4. develop - rozwinąć
5. fit- zdrowy/wysportowany
6. two-fold- podwójny
7. follow through- konsekwentność
8. imitate- imitować/naśladowaćKrzysztof Dargiewicz edytował(a) ten post dnia 02.10.10 o godzinie 19:58