Temat: 6th edition of the International Congress of Young...

We welcome and invite all the young chemists to the 6th edition of the International Congress of Young Chemists 'YoungChem

15th-19th October 2008 Cracow, Poland

Scientific program includes:
Keynote Lectures of our special invited guests:
- prof. Irina Beletskaya - Zilinski Institute, Moscow
- prof. Christopher C. Cummins - Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Boston
- prof. Dr. Benjamin List - MPI für Kohlenforschung, Mülheim
- prof. David A. Leigh - University of Edinburgh
- prof. Krzysztof Matyjaszewski - Carnegie Mellon University,
- Dr Otto Sijbren - Cambridge University

For further information visit: http://www.youngchem.com