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Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

Obama isn't black. 'Black,' in our political and social reality, means those descended from West African slaves
Debra J Dickerson

Colorblind, Salon.com January 2007

Is Barack Obama black?

What do you reckon?


Is Obama black? It depends on who - and when - you ask.

For some of us, the heralding of Barack Obama as the first black president of the United States seems a rather uncontroversial claim.

Obama isn't black. 'Black,' in our political and social reality, means those descended from West African slaves
Debra J Dickerson

Colorblind, Salon.com January 2007
Not so for others. One well-known African American writer, Debra Dickerson, famously objected that Obama is not of the people properly defined as "black" on the grounds that because he is not descended from slaves.

Ergo, he is not black - at all.

The bulk of the people protesting against references to Obama as a black man, however, grant that he is "part" black (by way of his father), but assert that because he also has a white mother it is not "accurate" to call him black.

He is "in fact" mixed-race, they say.warren whitmore edytował(a) ten post dnia 18.11.08 o godzinie 23:37

Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

However, so far he's appointed a few black people for some key positions, some of them are first black persons in such positions!

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Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

Obama,settled this question some time ago saying "If I'm outside your building trying to catch a cab people are not saying 'Oh look at that mixed race guy.'

He is either black or white,because we dont use the term "mixed"
And from where I am standing he looks black.

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Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

If you were African would he look black?

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Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

Culturally he's white. Just as Condie Rice with her piano and skates. :)

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Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

watch as Jon Stewart asks him if he'll vote with a white or black leaning. I hope it's the right clip. My sound isnt working, and it's several seconds in.


EDIT: 33 seconds in.Joj Y. edytował(a) ten post dnia 18.11.08 o godzinie 23:51

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Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

"Me English no good, but Obama's a pretty cool guy, eh? Takes a joke and doesn't afraid of anything."

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Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

Geeez, I`d never think that such issue could be raised.

I feel confused, frustrated and stressed. Isn`t he black? He is...I think...

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Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

Violetta P.:
Geeez, I`d never think that such issue could be raised.

I feel confused, frustrated and stressed. Isn`t he black? He is...I think...

Why would you automatically call someone who is half-white 'black'?

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Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

warren whitmore:
Violetta P.:
Geeez, I`d never think that such issue could be raised.

I feel confused, frustrated and stressed. Isn`t he black? He is...I think...

Why would you automatically call someone who is half-white 'black'?
For the same reason you wouldn't call someone who is half-black "white" I guess. Unless they were rather whitish :)

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Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

He looks black, that`s it. No negative meaning here.
You look white.

Discussions about being too black for the white or too white for the black are endless. Does it really matter if he`s black or white? Probably it does if it`s being discussed.

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Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

Violetta P.:
He looks black, that`s it. No negative meaning here.
You look white.

I am white rather than mixed-race.

Obama would probably look white to Africans, however.

This is your perception rather than objective fact.
Steve Jones

Steve Jones Business English
Trainer, Translator,

Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

has anyone here seen or read The Human Stain? The white protagonist played by Anthony Hopkins is really black! Two black parents. White skin cos his grandfather was White. Seems odd to me if that's possible.

Btw, I'm black.

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Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

warren whitmore:
I am white rather than mixed-race.
If you were mixed-race would you feel offended/confused if I called you "white", not knowing about the fact?

Obama would probably look white to Africans, however.
Ask them.
He doesn`t look white to me. Does he look white to you?

This is your perception rather than objective fact.
Of course, it is!
In fact, I can`t answer your first question ("If you were African..."). I`ve never been one so I have no experience.

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Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

Steve Jones:
Btw, I'm black.
No doubt. You look black.

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Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

Violeta looks mixed-race to me. Not crystal Angora. Shame, Violetta.

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Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

Tatiana S.:
Violeta looks mixed-race to me. Not crystal Angora. Shame, Violetta.
Shame? It`s pure racism!

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Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

Violetta P.:
warren whitmore:
I am white rather than mixed-race.
If you were mixed-race would you feel offended/confused if I called you "white", not knowing about the fact?

This would depend on how I self-identified.
Obama would probably look white to Africans, however.
Ask them.
He doesn`t look white to me. Does he look white to you?

He looks more black to me. but then again, like yourself, I am far more used to seeing white rather than black faces. Were it the other way round, I might have a different perception.
This is your perception rather than objective fact.
Of course, it is!
In fact, I can`t answer your first question ("If you were African..."). I`ve never been one so I have no experience.

You can make an educated guess, however.

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Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

warren whitmore:
You can make an educated guess, however.
Lots of non-white people supported him in the election just because he was considered black or at least non-white.

He looks black (even if he has a white mother), you look white. You`re English (even if you live in Poland), I`m Polish. That`s all about my perception.

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Temat: Is Barack Obama Black?

It`s a blog:

and also here: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1584736...

It seems to be his choice:
"Back in the real world, Obama is married to a black woman. He goes to a black church. He's worked with poor people on the South Side of Chicago, and still lives there. That someone given the escape valve of biraciality would choose to be black, would see some beauty in his darker self and still care more about health care and public education than reparations and Confederate flags is just too much for many small-minded racists, both black and white, to comprehend.

Barack Obama's real problem isn't that he's too white — it's that he's too black."

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