Daniel Niemczok

Daniel Niemczok Starszy

Temat: vsphere 5 appliance problem z bazą

Witajcie mam problem z vsphere 5 co pare minut wyłącza się serwis vpxd. Baza na DB2 w ciągu paru minut rośnie na maxa ok 8GB i proces się wyłącza potem restart to wystarcza tylko na pre minut i znowu to samo

vcenter5:/storage/db/db2/home/db2inst1/db2inst1/NODE0000 # du
2853608 ./VCDB/T0000002
65608 ./VCDB/T0000003
8 ./VCDB/T0000010/C0000000.TMP
12 ./VCDB/T0000010
32808 ./VCDB/T0000006
131208 ./VCDB/T0000000
8 ./VCDB/T0000008/C0000000.TMP
12 ./VCDB/T0000008
32808 ./VCDB/T0000004
8 ./VCDB/T0000009/C0000000.TMP
12 ./VCDB/T0000009
65608 ./VCDB/T0000005
8 ./VCDB/T0000001/C0000000.TMP
12 ./VCDB/T0000001
8 ./VCDB/T0000007/C0000000.UTM
12 ./VCDB/T0000007
3181712 ./VCDB
4199940 ./SQL00001/SQLOGDIR
40 ./SQL00001/db2event/db2detaildeadlock
44 ./SQL00001/db2event
4206012 ./SQL00001
16 ./sqldbdir
7387744 .
vcenter5:/storage/db/db2/home/db2inst1/db2inst1/NODE0000 # service vmware-vpxd restart
Stopping VMware vSphere Profile-Driven Storage Service...
Stopped VMware vSphere Profile-Driven Storage Service.
Stopping VMware Inventory Service...
Stopped VMware Inventory Service.
Stopping tomcat: success
Stopping vmware-vpxd: success
Shutting down ldap-server..done
Waiting for embedded DB2 database to startup: .success
Cleaning session lock table: success
Verifying EULA acceptance: success
Starting ldap-server..done
Starting vmware-vpxd: success
Waiting for vpxd to initialize: ..success
Starting tomcat: success
Executing startup scripts...
Starting VMware Inventory Service...Waiting for VMware Inventory Service.................
VMware Inventory Service started.

Starting VMware vSphere Profile-Driven Storage Service...Waiting for VMware vSphere Profile-Driven Storage Service......
VMware vSphere Profile-Driven Storage Service started.

vcenter5:/storage/db/db2/home/db2inst1/db2inst1/NODE0000 # du
2853608 ./VCDB/T0000002
65608 ./VCDB/T0000003
8 ./VCDB/T0000010/C0000000.TMP
12 ./VCDB/T0000010
32808 ./VCDB/T0000006
131208 ./VCDB/T0000000
8 ./VCDB/T0000008/C0000000.TMP
12 ./VCDB/T0000008
32808 ./VCDB/T0000004
8 ./VCDB/T0000009/C0000000.TMP
12 ./VCDB/T0000009
65608 ./VCDB/T0000005
8 ./VCDB/T0000001/C0000000.TMP
12 ./VCDB/T0000001
8 ./VCDB/T0000007/C0000000.UTM
12 ./VCDB/T0000007
3181712 ./VCDB
524996 ./SQL00001/SQLOGDIR
40 ./SQL00001/db2event/db2detaildeadlock
44 ./SQL00001/db2event
531068 ./SQL00001
16 ./sqldbdir
3712800 .

Nie mogę tego rozgryź o co chodzi ?? Jedyna rzecz która jest niekompatybilna z vmware compatybility guide to SVC wersja 4.3...Daniel Niemczok edytował(a) ten post dnia 06.02.12 o godzinie 22:39