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Temat: nowa tajska strona z biezaca informacja turystyczna

dopiero wystartowala, wiec jeszcze wiele tam nie ma, ale jest szansa, ze bedzie dobrym zrodlem aktualnej informacji dostarczonej przez samych podrozujacych przez blogi. Jest tam tez, dopiero raczkujace, forum dyskusyjne. Niestety, wszystko sie laduje bardzo powoli, przynajmniej tu, gdzie jestem.

Thailand Launches Website to Provide Tourism Updates

BANGKOK, February 16, 2009 – Holidaymakers all over the world can now visit a new website that gives them the latest information about the tourism situation on the ground in Thailand.

The Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) has launched the “Thailand Tourism Update” website http://www.tourismthailand.org/thailandtourismupdate [loads painfully slow, even 1 or 2 minutes - at least in London]. The site aims to ensure tourists an enjoyable journey within Thailand by keeping them informed with latest updates. There will also be information geared for special interest tourists and repeat visitors.

Key elements of the fact-rich Web 2.0 site include constantly updated reports from independent news sources and organizations, topical feature articles on the country, blogs about Thailand by travelers around the world, RSS feeds, and a forum for travelers to discuss issues.

The site has been designed as an information resource that can handle any breaking news. A Thailand Tourism Update forum team is available online to share information and insights with forum participants.

Tourists will be able to keep themselves updated through RSS feeds on three main elements of the site: tourism news, travel blogs, and travel forums. Journalists, travellers, travel agents and tourism operators can subscribe to e-mail updates to keep themselves up to date.

Thailand Tourism Update is the first online space provided by TAT for tourists around the globe to share their knowledge, interest and experiences about travel in Thailand.

“Tens of thousands of tourists are here in Thailand right now having a great holiday enjoying the sun, smiles and cuisine we are famous for”, said TAT’s Deputy Governor for Policy and Planning, Mr. Suraphon Svetasreni. “Please help us get that message out to everyone around the world.”

Further information:

Thailand Tourism Update: http://www.tourismthailand.org/thailandtourismupdate
Email: TourismUpdate@tat.or.th
Jarosław Smulski

Jarosław Smulski Research Manager,

Temat: nowa tajska strona z biezaca informacja turystyczna

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Temat: nowa tajska strona z biezaca informacja turystyczna

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