Maciej B.

Maciej B. Doktorant

Temat: Choinka dla SASowców

Rick Wicklin chyba nudził się :)
A tak na serio, to dobry sposób nauki :)

proc iml;
/* Using SAS to construct a Christmas Tree from an iterated function system,
and adding ornaments and a star.
Rick Wicklin 12/14/2012
To construct an iterated function system in SAS, see
/* 1. Each row is a 2x2 linear transforamtion */
/* Christmas tree */
L = {0.03 0 0 0.1,
0.85 0.00 0.00 0.85,
0.8 0.00 0.00 0.8,
0.2 -0.08 0.15 0.22,
-0.2 0.08 0.15 0.22,
0.25 -0.1 0.12 0.25,
-0.2 0.1 0.12 0.2};
/* ... and each row is a translation vector */
B = {0 0,
0 1.5,
0 1.5,
0 0.85,
0 0.85,
0 0.3,
0 0.4
prob = { 0.02 0.6 0.1 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07};
/* For convenience, transpose the L and B matrices */
L = L`; B = B`;

/* 3. iterate the discrete stochastic map */
N = 1e5; /* number of iterations */
x = j(2,N); k = j(N,1);
x[,1] = {0, 2}; /* initial point */
call randseed(1);
call randgen(k, "Table", prob);

do i = 2 to N;
x[,i] = shape(L[,k[i]], 2)*x[,i-1] + B[,k[i]];

/* 4. plot the iteration history */
y = x`;
create IFS from y[c={"x" "y"}]; append from y; close IFS;

/* just for fun, create ornaments and colors */
idx = ceil(N*ranuni(j(500,1)));
x1 = x[1,idx]`;
jdx = loc(abs(x1)>0.04);
idx = idx[jdx];
x1 = x[1,idx]`;
y1 = x[2,idx]` - 0.1;
group = ceil(5*ranuni(j(nrow(idx),1)));
create Ornaments var {x1 y1 group}; append; close Ornaments;

/* basic IFS Christmas Tree */
ods graphics / width=200px height=400px;
proc sgplot data=IFS;
title "SAS Christmas Tree";
scatter x=x y=y / markerattrs=(size=1 color=ForestGreen);
yaxis display=none;
xaxis display=none;

/* Add ornaments and star */
data Star;
x2=0; y2=10; output;

data All;
merge IFS Ornaments Star;
if group=. then group=1;

data Attrs;
length Value MarkerColor $20;
ID = "Ornaments";
Value = 1; MarkerColor = "Red "; output;
Value = 2; MarkerColor = "Blue "; output;
Value = 3; MarkerColor = "Purple "; output;
Value = 4; MarkerColor = "Gold "; output;
Value = 5; MarkerColor = "Chartreuse"; output;

*ods graphics / width=400px height=800px;
proc sgplot data=All noautolegend dattrmap=Attrs;
title "SAS Christmas Tree";
scatter x=x y=y / markerattrs=(size=1 color=ForestGreen);
scatter x=x1 y=y1 / transparency=0.33 attrid=Ornaments
markerattrs=(size=8 symbol=CircleFilled) group=group;
scatter x=x2 y=y2 / markerattrs=(color=Gold size=15 symbol=StarFilled);
yaxis display=none;
xaxis display=none;
